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NZ an exclamation of pain, distress, or astonishment
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Abdul Razzaq, President and CEO of the AUE, entrepreneur Abdullah Ebrahim Al Shamsi, Sports Media Association Chairman, moderator Adnan Hamad, AUE faculty members and students.
"This has encouraged us to create new opportunities for them and we will be more than happy to support the AUE through this initiative.
In turn, AUE will have the opportunity to expand its power engineering and communication engineering services.
"It's a dream come true to sign this partnership with the AUE, and we extend our most sincere thanls.
The DFB disciplinary committee launched a probe into Aue's 2-0 triumph after bookmakers in Austria and Germany reported an unusually high level of interest in the Bundesliga Two clash.
Equipped with the latest technology of 3D printers, MAC Laboratories and latest cinema software such as the Maxon 4D Training Course - which the university claims to be the only one of its kind in the Gulf region - the IEC at AUE aims to graduate leaders with high employability focusing on creativity, critical thinking and entrepreneurial skills.
AUE is the only university in the region which offers the unique Masters in Sports Law course and taking this into account it is working hard to build its reputation in being a leader in this field by holding workshops and seminars in the sports industry.
Some of the new bachelor programmes offered at AUE include Insurance and Risk Management, Hospital and Healthcare Management, Security and Strategic Studies, Digital Forensics and Computer Crimes, Digital Animation, and Fashion Design.
Muthanna Abdul Razzaq, AUE President, before to the keynote addresses from Schormann and Al Kamali.