apple box

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apple box

(Plants) an ornamental Australian tree, Eucalyptus bridgesiana, having heart-shaped juvenile leaves, large lanceolate adult leaves, and conical fruits. Also called: apple gum
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We all have an apple box to stand on and tell the world how we feel.
The article about apple box furniture ("Apple Box Furniture," March/April 2018) brought to mind a little dressing table my folks made for me as a young girl, probably about 65 years ago.
She said: "I have to stand on an apple box when we're filming.
Egg boxes are an excellent container for smaller quantities although you may require an old apple box for larger amounts.
Brand Canyon, which has nine employees, also owns a film production company, Apple Box Pictures.
On a trip to our attic the other day, I uncovered a box labeled "Robyn and Robert's special books." As Robyn and Robert's mom, I knew exactly what I would find when the lid from the old tattered apple box was lifted and the contents revealed.
I have a picture of me sitting on an apple box in a skimpy dress and barefoot with the saddest face ever.
Elisha explained "There was no room in the limo for both of us so I pretended to make love to an apple box which had just been lying around the set.
black cherry purple ash crab apple box elder red oak juniper white oak Serbian spruce grey birch hemlock paper birch slippery elm red horse chest nut red mulberry catalpa red maple weeping willow silver maple stag horn sumac Japanese maple ginkgo hickory hawthorn honeylocust sugar maple hackberry redbud persimmon dogwood pecan sweet gum cottonwood chestnut oak green ash yellowwood