

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the rejection of party and electoral politics
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She describes how populism transforms representative democracy and uses antiestablishmentarianism and antipolitics; how it impacts the people and the majority; how the system is constructed through the leader, elections, and the party; and the direct representation that populism creates in its attempts to go beyond partisan oppositions and reaffirm a unitary representation of the people, with discussion of the Italian Five Star Movement and the Spanish Podemos.
I would need to revisit Czech-born French emigre Milan Kundera's works, where he lamented The Tragedy of Central Europe or get my hands on Hungarian writer Gyorgy Konrad's Antipolitics, in which he argued that "Central Europe represented the continent's last great opportunity to build a social democratic space that would be neither Soviet nor liberal-capitalist in nature." I read this essay in Eurozine, in which the writer's explorations with key intellectuals have led him to conclude that "adherence to a Central European idea often says more about where you don't want to be than about where you actually belong.
The book will be of interest to students of neoliberal antipolitics and its populist sequel at all levels across the social sciences.
One common feature of the Jacobin circle is their disgust at this aspect of Occupy, which they analyze as an internalization of the post-Cold War narrative that "there is no alternative" to "neoliberalism." Sunkara (and others like him) saw Marxism as a hardheaded and systematic alternative to this disgustingly New Agey "anarchist" antipolitics.
And the fury generated by the crash found its way to the surface in the antipolitics kick to the establishment which culminated in Brexit.
1) 1990 to 2002--a moment of human resources antipolitics characterized by the abandonment of PCCS, an increase in precarious work, demobilization of the union movement (the National Negotiating Table created in 1993 by the National Health Council was deactivated in the same year by the federal government), cuts in training and development in the SUS, and an explosion of health schools.
It would be more precise to say it is not so much nonpolitical as it is antipolitics. In the second decade of the 21st century, the lessons of the second half of the 20th have finally taken firm root: A politicized military is a weaker military.
Explorations into Modern Antipolitics, London and New York: Macmillan and St Martin's.