

opposed to profit-seeking or commercialism
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Nicholas Vazsonyi, meanwhile, examines Richard Wagner's extensive efforts at self-promotion precisely by packaging himself as anticommercial, a subterfuge that Vazsonyi roots in the composer's anti-Semitism and, ultimately, in the national mythmaking attending the drive for German statehood.
Anticommercial and unabashedly lyrical, their plays stayed deliberately away from Broadway lights.
Sadly this very anticommercial stance is also very unpopular.
These countries adopted laws in the early 1990s to institute the anticommercial system recommended by WHO.
These reweaved televisual narratives work as forms of cultural distinction for the series and for the companies--but their final effect is not necessarily anticommercial.
Nevertheless, it is also true that the monetization of fan creations is not an easy aim to accomplish: fans show an anticommercial nature and embrace a gift economy model [17], often refusing to be incorporated in the commercial production process [11].
According to Kahan, the medieval era was replete with anticommercial sentiment, even amid devastatingly depressed rates of economic activity, consecutive centuries of abject poverty, and woefully brief life spans.
Noncommercial (or anticommercial) interests like religious and charitable organizations and advocacy and countercultural groups pride themselves on representing an emancipated spirit transcending the dominant ethos.
Peters, and Cara Peters, "AntiCommercial Consumer Rebellion: Conceptualisation and Measurement," Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing 14, no.
2001) (citing Sony for the proposition that market harm can be assumed with commercial uses of a copyrighted work); Patry on Fair Use, supra note 16, [section] 3:4 (observing that "so effective has Campbell been in purging fair use of the nest of presumptions and anticommercial prejudices that had grown up, that it is quite common for courts of appeals to describe a user's commercial purpose as virtually irrelevant" but that "[o]ther panels, however, continue to characterize commercial uses negatively").
Such achievements are notably absent from the resumes of the majority of alarmist anticommercial critics who are responsible for the ongoing damage Dr.
Thus, while we might be tempted to assume anticommercial connotations in her decision to call her long-running essayist The Gleaner, the emphasis in her use of the term is not in celebrating the American pastoral but in depicting a tenuous and multifarious relationship to shifting property that much more clearly resembles a commercial than an agricultural economic system.