

against the trend of the classical period
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References in periodicals archive ?
The memorial's gash in the great American Common presents an anticlassical, anti-traditional structure that is a superb, even sublime, and fitting expression of the war's cost.
With these works, Gray makes the familiarly human strange, revealing an anti-humanistic, anti-idealistic, anticlassical thrust to his art.
Anticlassical conditions are most likely when host country firms are incapable of undertaking the projects fulfilled by FDI.
Because Keynesian policies were novel and anticlassical, they often met with considerable resistance, both in academe and in political circles.
Grossman, Langdell Upside-Down: James Coolidge Carter and the Anticlassical Jurisprudence of Anticodification, 19 YALE J.L.
Opposed to the anticlassical stance that he perceived in Descartes's Geometrie, he portrayed himself as indebted to Euclid and Apollonius, rather than to the moderns."
The central male does a handstand and sets the anticlassical attitude of this work.
In this group I would place Matteo Majorano on incongruity in Rabelais, Arnaud Tripet on the fifth book's prologue, Giulio Ferroni (in Italian) on Italian literary descent-into-underworld narratives, Giorgio Patrizi (in Italian) on "anticlassical" Italian works which could be compared to Rabelais, Claudio Marazzini (again in Italian) on the linguistic situation in sixteenth-century Italy (using the delightful term mistilinguismo), and Franco Giacone on exactly which biblical references occur in the fifth book.
Duncan's anticlassical expressionist dancing was nothing less than an artistic and cultural revolution.
It seems odd to equate its deliberate classicism with the anticlassical tendencies of Mannerism.
Most of Beacom's skating innovations are based on a thoroughly anticlassical posture, one that is relaxed, rubbery, slouched, bent over, or crouched.