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top to bottom: Danforth, admiralty, and stockless anchors


1. Nautical A heavy object attached to a vessel by a cable, rope, or chain and dropped into the water to keep the vessel in place either by its weight or by its flukes, which grip the bottom.
2. A rigid point of support, as for securing a rope.
3. A source of security or stability.
a. An athlete, usually the strongest member of a team, who performs the last stage of a relay race or other competition.
b. The person at the end of a tug-of-war team.
5. An anchorperson.
v. an·chored, an·chor·ing, an·chors
a. To secure (a vessel) with an anchor.
b. To secure with a fastener or similar device: bolts anchoring the deck to the house. See Synonyms at fasten.
c. To cause to be fixed in place; fix or immobilize: fear anchoring him in the dark hallway; mussels anchoring themselves to a rock.
d. To cause to feel attached or secure: memories anchoring us to our home town.
e. To provide a basis for; establish or found: "innovative cuisines firmly anchored in tradition" (Gourmet Magazine).
2. Sports To serve as an anchor for (a team or competition): anchor a relay race.
3. To narrate or coordinate (a newscast).
4. To provide or form an anchor store for: Two major stores anchor each end of the shopping mall.
Nautical To drop anchor or lie at anchor.

[Middle English anker, ancher, from Old English ancor, from Latin ancora, anchora, from Greek ankura.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


pl n
slang the brakes of a motor vehicle: he rammed on the anchors.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Stubb and Flask mounted on them, and passing additional lashings over the anchors there hanging.
As long as it went through more frequented waters, we often saw the hulls of shipwrecked vessels that were rotting in the depths, and deeper down cannons, bullets, anchors, chains, and a thousand other iron materials eaten up by rust.
The Jessie was plunging madly to two anchors, and every second or third sea broke clear over her bow.
The car and its accessories, the anchors, the cords, the supplies, the water-tanks, which were to be filled on arriving, all were embarked and put away under Ferguson's own eyes.
Before an anchor can ever be raised, it must be let go; and this perfectly obvious truism brings me at once to the subject of the degradation of the sea language in the daily press of this country.
At the same instant I saw that the thing that had struck us was the trailing anchor of a rather fair-sized air vessel; possibly a ten man cruiser.
And all this seemed natural enough; especially as in the merchant service many captains never show themselves on deck for a considerable time after heaving up the anchor, but remain over the cabin table, having a farewell merrymaking with their shore friends, before they quit the ship for good with the pilot.
"I expect the ship will have its own anchor," said the Doctor.
anchored off Gibraltar, which looks familiar and home-like."
Thence, bearing generally south-east and making slow progress in the dead beat to windward, the Ariel dropped anchor in nearly every harbour of the Solomons, from Choiseul and Ronongo islands, to the islands of Kulambangra, Vangunu, Pavuvu, and New Georgia.
In her bows lay a tiny anchor, two jugs of water, and some seventy fathoms of thin, brown dory-roding.
On the evening of the 12th of February, the Tonquin anchored in the bay of Karakakooa, in the island of Owyhee.