air bridge

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air bridge

(Aeronautics) Brit a link by air transport between two places, esp two places separated by a stretch of sea
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"We are pleased to see our first new air bridge installed in time for the Eid peak season," Transportation Minister and Economic Development Board acting chief executive Kamal Ahmed said.
11 (SUNA) - The Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, has given a directive for launching an air bridge of relief support to the citizens affected by the heavy rainfall and floods in Sudan.
The nominated child/ person must be well enough to fly and be able to enter or leave the aircraft without an air bridge and be suitable for an emergency evacuation in the highly unlikely eventuality of this being necessary.
The Saudi Air Force set up a back-to-back air bridge between the Kingdom and Pakistan, sending some 40 large cargo planes carrying hundreds of tons of relief goods.
CAS directed to create an air bridge for the flood affected area of Jaccobabad as it has been cut off from the rest of the country.
ISLAMABAD -- A parliamentary committee was told that Emirates airline has refused to use passenger boarding bridges at airports in Pakistan after an air bridge collapsed at the new Islamabad International airport last month.
Aden, Sha'ban 28, 1439, May 14, 2018, SPA -- Yemeni legitimate government approved operating air bridge for medical evacuation form Sana'a international Airport, including regular bi-weekly flights for the sick, especially those with illness that exegetes being treated abroad, in coordination with the Arab led coalition, the UN, World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Food Program (WFP), in addition to the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemeni Lise Grande.
Summary: Mohammad Bin Rashid orders relief air bridge to carry further shipments for Rohingya; six airlifts made so far from Dubai to Bangladesh
The timely opening of the Beijing-Colombo service will become an air bridge linking the two nations and contributing to their development in the fields of economy, trading, investment and tourism.
The air bridge supply chain comprises three cargo planes, the first of which was sent last Sunday carrying emergency aid
The first of the two airplanes, which were sent as part of a fourth air bridge set up by the UN to deliver humanitarian aid to Syria, carried on board 1329 family medical kits and 1080 other kits containing medical supplies for infants, according to the WFP office in Qamishlis.