Air cooling

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Related to Air cooling: Air cooler
a.1.In devices generating heat, such as gasoline-engine motor vehicles, the cooling of the device by increasing its radiating surface by means of ribs or radiators, and placing it so that it is exposed to a current of air. Cf. Water cooling.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The global demand for air cooling corona discharge ozone generator market is expected to witness positive growth over the forecast period due to growth in industries across the globe.
Summary: The global demand for air cooling corona discharge ozone generator market is expected to witness positive growth over the forecast period due to growth in industries across the globe.
Today, using GPUs in data centers for different tasks (cryptocurrency mining, AI, HPC) with air cooling comes with a host of problems: the machines overheat, they take up a lot of space, they waste energy, and their parts fail.
District cooling is replacing the traditional air cooling methods because of increased advantages like energy-saving, low environmental damage, and reduced maintenance needs.
Manhattan-based Air Cooling Energy Corp is partnering with the online marketing company Prospect Genius to launch a new mobile version of its Web site.
One final point to consider--today's servers are optimized for air cooling. Even so, they can be easily converted for liquid cooling, which improves performance dramatically.
One final point to consider - today's servers are optimized for air cooling. Even so, they can be easily converted for liquid cooling, which improves performance dramatically.
It helps recognise almost a decade of charged air cooling and engine cooling development activities with our valued customer.'
Cooling innovations The use of outside air cooling, also known as free air cooling, is gaining acceptance in many areas.