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Adj.1.agonising - extremely painfulagonising - extremely painful      
painful - causing physical or psychological pain; "worked with painful slowness"
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(ˈӕgəni) plural ˈagonies noun
great pain or suffering. The dying man was in agony; agonies of regret.
ˈagonized, ˈagonised adjective
showing agony. He had an agonized expression on his face as he lost the match.
ˈagonizing, ˈagonising adjective
causing agony. an agonizing pain.
agonizingly, agonisingly adverb
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Had we only been able to see a day into the future, we might have spared ourselves this agonising, for all our doubts and fears were suddenly dispersed in an entirely unexpected manner.
Though he dreaded humiliation more than anything in the world, he hugged himself for two or three days at the thought of the agonising joy of humiliating himself to the Glory of God.
That sauce was made up of contradictions and sufferings, of agonising inward analysis, and all these pangs and pin-pricks gave a certain piquancy, even a significance to my dissipation--in fact, completely answered the purpose of an appetising sauce.
He was so badly burned that he was left with agonising blisters on his back and second and third degree burns and had to cancel his birthday party on Sunday.
Scots Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said delays into cases such as the M9 crash deaths meant relatives faced "agonising" waits for closure.
Now, after what he has described as an "agonising 10 days", the proud father took to social media to reveal his newborn has been allowed home.
THE Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has voiced support for the professionalism of doctors and staff at Liverpool's Alder Hey Hospital as they take "agonising decisions" regarding the care of Alfie Evans.
THE parents of a baby who waited 76 agonising days for a new heart are backing the Mirror's Change The Law For Life organ donation campaign.
A WOMAN is suffering "episodes of agonising pain" more than two-anda-half years after she drank a cocktail containing liquid nitrogen, her lawyer said.
THOMAS Stalker admits the decision to abandon his Olympic dream was an "agonising" one as the Team GB captain left the amateur ranks to turn professional.
VIDEO Justin talks up Wales' chances Former All Black Justin Marshall tips Wales to stun the Springboks this summer VIDEO Top soccer chat Focus on Football: Jon Doel, Terry Phillips and Chris Wathan debate what the future holds for Cardiff City after the agonising play-off defeat GALLERY Stay in the picture View our picture galleries from Cardiff CIty's agonising Wembley defeat and the Blues' historic Amlin Cup victory at Plus What do you think the summer holds for Cardiff City after the Wembley defeat?