advanced degree

advanced degree

A university degree, such as a master's or doctorate, that is higher than a bachelor's.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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While research on the value of a teacher's advanced degree is mixed, all studies suggest that teachers with degrees in subjects different from the subjects they teach have little impact on students.
And to distinguish with certainty among what is modern-classic, classic-modern, modern-modern, classic-classic, post-all-of-the-above, third-stream and midstream, you need an advanced degree.
* A master's degree in business administration is less limiting than an advanced degree in accounting.
while pursuing an advanced degree, played around for a few days and then told me, "I think I may have something."
Possession of the DVM or equivalent degree and/or an advanced degree are highly desirable.
The debate still rages over whether communicators who want on advanced degree should get an MBA or a masters in communication.
Clinical tax programs address the needs of employers in several very important ways, including technical knowledge; communication skills; team-building skills; computer skills; and advanced and specialized training without the necessity of an advanced degree.
These Fellows, Certified Physician Executives and those with advanced degree in Management will participants in an executive educational experience that suits their needs and learning style.
Over the same period, real earnings increased about 41% for college graduates and 52% for advanced degree holders.
Others had a fourth drawer for filing by square footage and those with an advanced degree in three by five cards had a leads drawer, a prospect drawer and a super secret drawer (which is where you kept the pie in the sky prospects or "the big one").
The partnership is part of a statewide initiative for Thomas Edison State University to connect directly with chambers to better serve the business community as an education provider for employees seeking assistance with degree completion, advanced degree obtainment and certifications for career advancement.

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