advance poll

Related to advance poll: polling station

advance poll

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Canadian (in an election) a poll held prior to election day to permit voters who expect to be absent then to cast their ballots
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

advance′ poll′

Canadian. a vote held before election day for voters who expect to be away from home.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The CEO explained, for example, that while advance poll turnout had increased by 10 per cent in each election steadily for a few elections, the turnout in 2015 increased 75 per cent at advance polls and 100 per cent for special ballot voting.
To ensure that all electors were presented with an equal opportunity to participate in a provincial election, there are a number of voting methods available: Advance Poll, Special Ballot, and Mobile Poll.
The most prevalent type of polling was unsolicited advance poll results from major daily newspapers and university polling organizations from across the country.
The voter must declare on the application that, "I am unable to vote at an Advance Poll or on Election Day in the constituency in which I am ordinarily resident." The minimum election period is 28 days; nominations close at a minimum 16 days before polling day.
Another way to approach this issue is to analyze the advance poll results.
The New Democrats chose to tackle their image as "tax and spenders" with a pledge to balance the budget with only minor tax increases Then they waited three weeks before releasing a "costing document." The full platform was released ten days before election day, on the Friday before the Thanksgiving long weekend, when millions voted in the advance polls.
"A lot of people took advantage of the advance polls. The percentage was quite high right across the board and my assumption would be, particularly in urban areas, it would be reflective in the urban Aboriginal population getting out to vote."
Online voting was made available in Markham's advance polls for a five-day period in 2003 and a six-day period in 2006.