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possessing admiration
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Il est formellement interdit de tuer un chat et de...frapper une femme[beaucoup plus grand que] me dit-elle et cela veut tout dire, n'est-ce pas ?[beaucoup plus grand que], concluait Tahar Benjelloun devant une audience fort admirative de ce moment de partage.
Admirativo 'admirative' does not mean 'that admires' or 'that is admired', but rather has an instrumental meaning: it refers to an entity that is used to manifest admiration.
During the visit, they expressed their admirative feeling for the contents of the 8-pavilion exhibition which included pictures of the Kingdom's Kings, Crown Princes, Governors of Makkah region as well as pictures of Al-Taif province, Okaz market and various tourist and civilizational attractions in all regions of Saudi Arabia.
Sharapova is admirative of the Romanian's all-court game.
Evidentiality may acquire mirative (also known as admirative) extensions.
Among his greatest achievements one can enumerate the reconciliation of Thomism with Scotism, his theory of freedom of will and political sovereignty of the human individual, as well as his erudite combination of values and principles of prior centuries; small wonder that such a huge number of later philosophers, all the way to Schopenhauer, Peirce, and Heidegger, referred back to him with admirative respect.
Dans ses tentatives epistolaires, Bashkirtseff joue habilement avec le cliche bien connu--celui de la jeune lectrice, admirative et eperdue--, pour devenir ensuite plus osee dans ses demandes.
En 2007, dans son introduction a un ouvrage collectif intitule Les sept peches capitaux et le droit prive, Kasirer revele une nouvelle fois sa frequentation assidue et admirative de l'oeuvre de Carbonnier.