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Related to adefovir: telbivudine, Entecavir


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Such decreases were offset in part by greater levels of expense in 1999 for the development programs for adefovir dipivoxil for hepatitis B, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (PMPA oral prodrug) for HIV, MiKasome(R) (liposomal amikacin) for severe bacterial infection and NX 211 (liposomal lurtotecan) for cancer.
HIV Drugs 1999 Nonnucleoside Nucleoside Reverse Reverse Transcriptase Transcriptase Inhibitors Inhibitors (NNRTI) (NRTI) Rescriptor Combivir (delavirdine mesylate) (lamivudine/zidovudine) Viramune Epivir (nevirapine) (lamivudine) Sustiva Retrovir (efavirenz; DMP-266) (zidovudine; AZT; ZDV) Zerit (stavudine; d4T) Hivid (zalcitabine; ddC) Videx (didanosine; ddl) Ziagan (abacavir; 1592) Nucleotide Analogue Protease Inhibitors (PI) (*)Preveon Crixivan (adefovir dipivoxil; PMEA) (indinavir) Norvir (ritonavir) Fortovase (saquinavir) Viracept (nelfinavir mesylate) (*) Agenerase[TM] (amprenavir; 141W94, VX-478) (*) Drugs in clinical trials
A randomized study of adefovir dipivoxil in place of HBIG in combination with lamivudine as post-liver transplantation hepatitis B prophylaxis.
In vitro studies of TDF treatment for HBV infection with lamivudine (LAM) and adefovir dipivoxil (ADV) resistance also showed that TDF has a good inhibitory effect on viral replication.
The five-year resistance rates for lamivudine, adefovir, entecavir, and tenofovir were 57.5%, 51.8%, 1.9%, and 0%, respectively.
Numerous studies have shown that tenofovir or adefovir dipivoxil exposure is associated with significant declines in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in CHB patients [6-9].
Currently, Sigmapharm's product line consists of Adefovir Dipivoxil Tablets, for hepatitis B, which is the first and only generic product equivalent to Hepsera tablets; Sodium Phenylbutyrate Powder, for urea cycle disorders, which is equivalent to Buphenyl powder; Liothyronine Sodium Tablets, for hypothyroidism, which is the most stable liothyronine product on the market, with a shelf life of 36 months and soon to be 48 months; and Acitretin Capsules (AB-rated to Soriatane capsules), with a primary indication for the treatment of severe psoriasis.
Only standard interferon alpha, lamivudine and adefovir have been evaluated in children.
Providers should not prescribe TDF/FTC for anyone taking adefovir (Hepsera), an antiviral related to TDF, for HBV infection, (1) Table 2 summarizes key screening and follow-up tests providers should perform when deciding whether to prescribe TDF/FTC PrEP, and whether to continue, according to CDC interim guidance for MSM (9) and heterosexuals.
Only pegylated interferon-alpha, adefovir and lamivudine are licensed for use in children with HBV.
Clinical performance characteristics have been established for individuals treated with adefovir dipivoxil.
BOSTON -- Tenofovir suppresses viral load more rapidly and effectively than adefovir does in patients with HBe antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B, Dr.