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George, 1866–1944, U.S. humorist.


1. a suffix found in nouns denoting an action or process or the person or persons acting, appearing in loanwords from Romance languages (cannonade; fusillade; renegade), and occasionally productive in English (blockade).
2. a noun suffix indicating a drink made of a particular fruit, normally a citrus: lemonade.
[< French < Occitan, Sp, or Upper Italian -ada < Latin -āta, feminine of -ātus -ate1; or < Sp -ado < Latin -ātus -ate1]


a collective suffix like -ad1: decade.
[< French < Greek; see -ad1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Ade - a sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juiceade - a sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice
beverage, drinkable, potable, drink - any liquid suitable for drinking; "may I take your beverage order?"
lemonade - sweetened beverage of diluted lemon juice
limeade - sweetened beverage of lime juice and water
orangeade - sweetened beverage of diluted orange juice
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
As George Ade has said, "Anything attached to a wall is liable to be a telephone in Paris." And so, what with poor equipment and red tape, the French system became what it remains to-day, the most conspicuous example of what NOT to do in telephony.
The school remembered Ade as being a "gentle presence".
But as the numbers went round and round in his brain, Ade began to look ahead at what life behind a desk in a tax or accounting firm might look like.
He was also blessed with grandchildren: Marla (Mike) Berner, Shari (Dave) Novitski, Butch (Barbie) Niehart, Tracy (Will) Kunkel, Melinda (Tom) Harnetiaux, Jake Reed, Levi (Brandi) Reed; great-grandchildren: Craig (Sara) Berner, Matt (Kayla) Berner, Tony O'Rear, Chaney Niehart, Summer Combs, Tucker Strawn, Truman Strawn, Sidney Harnetiaux, Wil Harnetiaux, Ryan Harnetiaux, Jordyn Reed, Alivia Reed, Issabell Reed; Adalee Reed; great-great-grandchildren: Cruze Berner, Aubree Berner and Cora Berner; brother, Clarence "Eli" (June) Ade, Rosamond; and special caregivers, Donna Riley, Sherry Morgan and Irma Shuff.
Ade brings 30 years of industry experience and over 15 years of experience in airline operations.
Ade sounded like football legend George Best as he joked while quaffing champagne: "I'll spend my money on wine and women, and waste the rest."
Ade Adepitan is a wheelchair basketball star and Paralympian.
Ade Ayodele was set to pursue a career in finance after receiving an undergraduate degree in Economics.
In Ade's case, that's been both as a player and on the coaching staff and he's now going to Warrington as Head of Performance.
The pair Ade Resky Dwicahyo - Azmy Qowimuramadhoni also had a good performance in the double fight.
She said she'd turn it down but I just said to her, 'You'll have it on your mind for the rest of your life that you could have done V Fest and what it might have meant for your career, so I would rather not have that'," says Ade.
He talks to HANNAH STEPHENSON WITH his wedding to singer-songwriter fiancee Elle Exxe to look forward to Ade Adepitan has an exciting summer ahead.