political boss

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Related to Ward boss: Political bosses
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.political boss - a leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointmentspolitical boss - a leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointments; "party bosses have a reputation for corruption"
pol, political leader, politico, politician - a person active in party politics
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References in periodicals archive ?
There he met his wife of 33 years Paula - then a ward boss, now a Wolverhampton councillor - while he was training.
"I'm a district councilor, not a ward boss, here in the city of Worcester,'' Mr.
And while Bibi might sound like Churchill, he acts like a local ward boss, far more interested in holding onto his post than using it to secure Israel's future.
Infinity Ward boss Robert Bowling confirmed the news on Twitter.
"It is not a job for the neighbors or the ward boss; it is a job for you and your family--now!
Rangel blew in like a ward boss at his clubhouse and started joking with a priest at my table, who had just written in The New York Times Magazine on the historic encounter of the pope and Fidel Castro.
He entered Frank Hague's powerful City and State Democratic machine as a clerk in the tax assessor's office and an assistant to the 6th ward boss, Doc Holland.
leadership, particularly Mayor Kiel, who as a former First Ward boss
More importantly, Lipset and Marks completely ignore the daily repression that many workers and activists routinely and quietly faced: the tyrannical foreman in a northern factory, the ward boss in the big city, the clerk of courts in southern counties, the lynch mob, the censor, the night riders, the Mafia chief, the Pinkerton agent, the teacher, the preacher, and the "third degree" in the basement of police headquarters.
In the Massachusetts political world, an archetypical ward boss, Martin (Mahatma) Lomasney, is remembered for his advice, "Never write when you can talk; never talk when you can nod." Happily, John McDonough, who for 13 years represented part of Boston in the Massachusetts House, didn't pay attention to such advice.