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(ˈwaraɡɪ; -dʒɪ)
(Brewing) a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from bananas
[from Luganda]
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Diageo's African portfolio includes Tusker, Bell, which is Uganda's oldest beer, Serengeti and local spirits including Kenya Cane and Uganda Waragi.
Cartels dealing in outlawed Waragi drink have improvised a new method of evading police dragnets, Siaya police boss Justus Kucha has said.
"One of the businessmen sells Empire Waragi (a blacklisted killer spirit from Uganda), and the last time he was arrested in Kakamega he insisted that he be taken to Butere Police Station," said Bishop Rashid Makokha of Christian Prayer Warriors Ministry."After a few calls, police granted his request and 30 minutes after arriving at the Butere station he was a free man.
The staple food, mashed green bananas, also turned into beer if left in a dugout with a bit of yeast or if left longer, could become waragi, a kind of tropical vodka.
He said EABL has been operating a business model in the country where it delivers brands like Guinness, Pilsner and Uganda Waragi to build small medium enterprises.
These were men who went with local women and drank waragi [local banana gin'.
Wouldn't he have been set on by older boys, by the desperate men that lurked on the wasteland, drunk on waragi? And where was God in all this?
Almost all of the 9.5m tons of bananas that Uganda produces annually is consumed domestically in the form of the staple cooking banana, matoke; the edible bugoya fruit banana or fermented as waragi (commonly known as 'kill me quick"), the popular and potent local liquor.