

a Trinitarian.
See also: Monks and Nuns
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'Ang ating permanent solution ito po'y inaprubahan na ng Metro Manila Council, yung ating water channel sa tapat ng Redemptionist Church, mayroon tayong water channel doon,' Olivarez said at the launching of the Project Express Lane Operation at the Paranaque City Hall.
Initial investigation revealed that the incident occurred at around 7:20 p.m, at the corner of Roxas Boulevard Service Road and Redemptionist Road in Baclaran, Paranaque City.
collecting ransom and tribute payments), and oftentimes the ransom money raised was through non-political channels, such as through the efforts of "Redemptionist" priests who raised funds privately and attempted to negotiate the release of Christian prisoners.
apply power to fulfill a redemptionist vision." Cover, supra note
In the absence of redemptionist institutions, wealthy captives relied on their own resources to ransom themselves, while thousands of impoverished captives languished in slavery as they awaited help from the only group that had not forgotten them: their wives.
Right - Three Roman Catholic Redemptionist missionaries set themselves a task to visit a thousand homes in Eston in less than a fortnight in April 1988 to mark the 25th anniversary of St Andrew's Parish.
Whatever the source of these Muslim influences on Cervantes's play, their presence undermines any attempt to read it purely as redemptionist propaganda.
(74) Two Redemptionist priests, already entangled in Hanoi land disputes that same year, threw their weight behind the cause, demanding that the results of the environmental impact surveys be made public.
(69) Similarly, in 1855 a Redemptionist Father was acquitted of the same charge after he burned a pile of "evil" literature and unknowingly burned a copy of a Bible.
In refusing distinction to a black man, and making a demagogic stink, Josephus Daniels waged a crusade against history that was of a piece with his "redemptionist" and Red Shirt past, (3) though it is fair to add, as Cash did, that Daniels was usually "one of the most liberal and intelligent editors the South has had" (323).
(24.) Captivity narratives often played a very practical "benevolent" function in that by the mid-eighteenth century redemptionist orders, such as the Trinitarian and Merccdarian orders, became the primary means of collecting moneys to ransom European captives and would use the "auto-biographical" narratives of redeemed slaves as a form of publicity.
The second innovation of the early thirteenth century is the appearance of the redemptionist orders.