cosmological argument

(redirected from Prime Cause)

cosmological argument

(Philosophy) philosophy one of the arguments that purport to prove the existence of God from empirical facts about the universe, esp the argument to the existence of a first cause. Compare ontological argument1, teleological argument
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References in classic literature ?
Although the prime cause of this desire is a false judgment as to your previous unconscious desire, yet the new conscious desire has its own derivative genuineness, and may influence your actions to the extent of sending you round the world.
I have been banished from my native land Because by right of primogeniture I claimed possession of thy sovereign throne Wherefrom Etocles, my younger brother, Ousted me, not by weight of precedent, Nor by the last arbitrament of war, But by his popular acts; and the prime cause Of this I deem the curse that rests on thee.
The five-minute address in Atlanta, which I came from Boston to deliver, was possibly the prime cause for an opportunity being given me to make the second address there.
Several studies have suggested that excess calorie consumption can lead to obesity, which is prime cause of many chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular diseases.
A police officer said tyres unfit for use on the roads are the prime cause of car overturning.
King Salman, however, reaffirmed the Palestinian cause remain "our prime cause" until the Palestinian people establish their independent state in line with the relevant UN resolutions and Arab peace initiative.
A poll has also found navigation is the prime cause of rows of cars.
'Unexpected delays and complication during delivery were the prime cause of fistula disease but it can be eradicated with only better medical care for women.'
Now, the government was trusting fully on the IMF although the IMF experts were the prime cause of the destruction of our economy.
Lack of enforcement of the most basic rules and regulations on highways is the prime cause of road crash, costing the nation dearly.
Prof Ahmad rightly believed that reverence for teachers is the prime cause behind the development of European nations.
The DG said the menace of corruption is the prime cause of uncertainty, economic instability, poverty and injustice in society.