prime costs

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Related to prime costs: period costs

prime costs

pl (Comm) → Selbstkosten pl, → Gestehungskosten pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Of course we can't afford to take these structures down under a bonus of five hundred per cent upon the prime cost of our lot and plaster.
The Huawei Y9 Prime costs Rs 15,990 in India, and it was up for pre-booking post launch.
Enterprises in the EAEU member states will be able to buy cheaper electricity in the EAEU, according to the Eurasian Economic Commission, which will make prime costs of products cheaper, consequently, it will make electricity for the EAEU population cheaper.
Emerging brands tend to have higher sales volumes, a faster ROI and better prime costs (because there is less competitive price pressure).
20SHARE MEMBERSHIPS Amazon Prime costs PS79 a year, but you can share membership with another adult at the same address for TV and movie streaming, Kindle Owners' Lending Library and delivery.
Amazon Prime costs [pounds sterling]79 a year but you can share it with another adult at the same address for TV and movie streaming, Kindle owners' lending library and delivery.
This can also reduce prime costs of advertisements as personnel expenses can be cut down, he said, noting that this will enable more influencers to participate in advertising.
As the company is cutting its production, prime costs are growing.
A legal subscription to Orbit Showtime Network (OSN) costs BD32 a month for a Premier HD package, while OSN Pehla Prime costs BD14 a month.