Official Solicitor

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Official Solicitor

(Law) an officer of the Supreme Court of Judicature with special responsibilities for protecting the interests of persons under disability
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"When I hired Lee away from Walmart in 2015, I knew that he had the experience and legal acumen to be the lead strategist on crucial litigation for my administration as the first official solicitor general of the Attorney General's Office," state Attorney General Leslie Rutledge said.
Such an agreement is enough to ensure 'public confidence' said Lady Black after she and four other justices dismissed an appeal by the official solicitor over a 52-year-old financial analyst, known as Mr Y.
The High Court declared in November 2017 it was not mandatory to seek court approval but granted permission to the Official Solicitor to appeal directly to the Supreme Court.
Today, I'm preparing for a joint settlement meeting in Leeds on a case involving the official solicitor, deputy for property and affairs appointed on behalf of the opponent client.
She has also acted through the Official Solicitor to represent parents in public law proceedings, where they have been found to lack litigation capacity in their own right.
The Official Solicitor had agreed to represent him, but now wanted to pull out of the case after the MDU withdrew financial support.
Angus Moon QC, representing the Official Solicitor, who was in court to protect DE's interests, told the judge that the evidence that DE wants a vasectomy is "compelling" and nothing to do with eugenics.
As the former doctor took the stand, he was questioned by a lawyer with the Official Solicitor, the government appointed official who represents those who have lost the capacity to make decisions for themselves.
Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP has niche expertise in mental capacity matters and Court of Protection welfare litigation, regularly receiving instructions from the Official Solicitor. Senior associate Alex Elphinston heads the team, and provides 'succinct advice'.
This was corroborated by evidence in records from the Form Master of the Ukrainian Secondary School which the child attended and by A's account to the Official Solicitor and to her colleague of his threats of self-harm should he be returned to the care of his abusive stepfather.
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