Official Referee

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Official Referee

(Law) law (in England) a circuit judge attached to the High Court who is empowered to try certain cases, esp where a detailed examination of accounts or other documents is involved
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Six matches complete the lineup for the undercards, with Kimberly Lee Tan from Malaysia, owner of REPS studio and a certified international MMA Referee, as the official referee.
"You need to let the official referee the game the way he sees it and he has his assistant there too to help him."
"Day one has shaken up the anticipated outcome of the qualifying draw, as results have defied expectations," said International Olympic Committee-certified official referee Avantha Suranimala of Sri Lanka.
Summary: Uefa are waiting on official referee reports before deciding whether to take action over Chelsea fans' chants about Anton Ferdinand.
WHISTLE HAPPY AN official referee officiated at each of the 50 Daily Mirror Lisburn Junior Invitational League matches on Saturday.
Noel Fernandes was the official referee for the finals.
Referees have the power to call a game off due to adverse weather or pitch conditions but we need to address the situation where there is no official referee (as in these local youth games), and who then has the power to call off a game.
Prior to last week's Football Association of Wales meeting any official referee, who stepped up to officiate a Welsh Premier, Welsh League, Welsh Cup or Welsh Youth League fixture had no Public Liability Insurance cover.
``If you can get an official referee and medical cover on stand by, what is the problem?'' ``It's basically a public workout, a sparring session like that which goes on in gyms across the country every night.'' Earlier this year Les Dennis took part in a charity scrap for Comic Relief, and was beaten by comic Bob Mortimer.
He changed prior to kick-off from a fetching pink to green because he decided the shirt better have an official referee's badge on it.
''There was no official referee appointed by an official body and his match report was submitted on unofficial paper,'' Meagher insisted.
However when the official referee didn't show up and a PSNI player volunteered to take control of the whistle, matters went somewhat offside - if you'll pardon the pun.