noble art

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Related to noble art: Noble savage

noble art


noble science

(Boxing) the noble art boxing
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This matter then, which put an end to the debate mentioned in the last chapter, was no other than a quarrel between Master Blifil and Tom Jones, the consequence of which had been a bloody nose to the former; for though Master Blifil, notwithstanding he was the younger, was in size above the other's match, yet Tom was much his superior at the noble art of boxing.
The noble art of self-defence appeared to be regarded by them as the peculiar gift of the white man; and I make little doubt that they supposed armies of Europeans were drawn up provided with nothing else but bony fists and stout hearts, with which they set to in column, and pummelled one another at the word of command.
It is a noble art, for nothing can be hidden from you, when once you understand the stars.' The plan pleased him much, and he soon became such a skilful star-gazer, that when he had served out his time, and wanted to leave his master, he gave him a glass, and said, 'With this you can see all that is passing in the sky and on earth, and nothing can be hidden from you.'
"You may easily believe," said he, "how great was the difficulty to persuade my father that all necessary knowledge was not comprised in the noble art of bookkeeping; and, indeed, I believe I left him incredulous to the last, for his constant answer to my unwearied entreaties was the same as that of the Dutch schoolmaster in The Vicar of Wakefield:
The only surgeon was one who combined the occasional exercise of that noble art with the daily and habitual flourish of a razor.
I know no one but myself who is acquainted with the noble art of venery.
They opened my eyes to the rosier aspect of the noble art, as presently practised on the right side of the Atlantic.
I bought an approved scheme of the noble art and mystery of stenography (which cost me ten and sixpence); and plunged into a sea of perplexity that brought me, in a few weeks, to the confines of distraction.
We have felt that we almost alone hereabouts practiced this noble art; though, to tell the truth, at least if their own assertions are to be received, most of my townsmen would fain walk sometimes, as I do, but they cannot.
En sa qualite d'arbitre international, il continue a mettre son experience de 30 annees au service du noble art. Debutant sa carriere comme athlete, le membre de la ligue d'Alger n'a pas [beaucoup moins que]brule[beaucoup plus grand que] les etapes pour decrocher le grade d'arbitre international.
Boxing is the noble art of self-defence, not the noble art of knocking the crap out of someone.
But Kelso has recovered and the pair will meet, as scheduled, on September 3 at Noble Art gym in Glasgow.