


containing no calories.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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No-cal sweeteners don't pass as quietly through the gut as scientists once thought.
Some of the studies used to validate the benefits of no-cal sugar substitutes are underwritten, at least in part, by the very industry that manufactures them-often a red-flag in scientific research.
HARD TIMES: Sitting atop his coffee table is a hard hat, a souvenir of his days working on the assembly line in Queens at the Kirsch No-Cal Soda factory.
Brisk is available in Lemon, No-Cal Lemon, Strawberry Melon, Tea-Lemonade, Raspberry, Peach, Sweet Tea, Fruit Punch, Lemonade and Sugar-Free Lemonade.
Ditch regular soda in favor of water and other no-cal beverages.
WORCESTER - If you're on a diet these days trying to drop some of the winter weight that has somehow mysteriously slipped onto your hips, here's a no-cal way to indulge.
The average person now consumes 21 per cent of their daily calories from drinks - swap all caloriecontaining drinks for no-cal ones like water, herbal tea, normal tea and coffee, and you could lose 40lb this year.
We also strongly recommended you calibrate the gauge prior to initial service then attach a no-cal required sticker.
For starters, prawn cocktail is always popular but you can cut down the dressing to a low- or no-cal alternative.
Polar will offer samples of its new no-cal HyDrive Energy drink (from spring water) in pomegranate, casaba lime, dragon fruit and acai berry flavors.
A good amount is 25-50ml of water (from any no-cal drink such as water, tea, soda) per kilo of your weight.
Potato chips that contain the no-cal olestra end up having less than half the calories and none of the fat contained in regular chips.