Minister of the Crown

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Minister of the Crown

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) Brit any Government minister of cabinet rank
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Mr Sargeant was a Minister of the Crown and, like all his colleagues in the Welsh Government, bound to comply with the terms of the same code as Ministers at Westminster.
That would surely have been the most appropriate way to proceed, Mr Sargeant was a Minister of the Crown, and like all his colleagues in the Welsh Government, bound to comply with the terms of the same code as ministers at Westminster.
A Minister of the Crown is told by an independent body to repay PS46,000 of expenses and then a so-called 'independent' committee made up mainly of MPs overrules this and she has to pay back less than PS6,000.
The denial resulted in the exposure of a searing story of sex, suicide, intrigue and espionage - which demolished Profumo's world of red-leather despatch boxes, scrambler telephones and the panoply of a Minister of the Crown.
But you are a minister of the Crown and even when having one-to-one conversations with constituents in your surgery, you have to continue to act like one.
"Don't the people of Merseyside deserve the courtesy of a minister of the Crown coming to this House today to tell them exactly what they are up to?" A DCMS spokeswoman said: "There is no truth in the assertion terms of reference are being narrowed."
Well, Sir, in 1908 and 1909 Mr JH Thomas, then living at 117 Splott Road and who was later to become a privy councillor and serve as a Minister of the Crown for eight years, twice stood unsuccessfully for what was then the Cardiff Municipal Council.
Not 'Oh, I am concerned about the terrier men, I am concerned about the huntsmen.' He said: 'You people put steel workers out of work in my constituency, so I can do it to you.' 'Revenge, a Minister of the Crown saying he could put 8,000 families into penury not because of some good reason, but because you lot did it to my steel workers so I am going to do it to you lot too.'
Borowski's threat, though unusual, was within his authority as a minister of the Crown, yet he must have hit a nerve because both the political and judicial establishment in Manitoba were outraged at the mention of it.
The new Committee has powers, under a Scrutiny Reserve Resolution adopted on December 6, to restrain the British Government from agreeing in the EU Council of Ministers any proposal "on which Parliamentary scrutiny has not been completed".The text of the Resolution agreed by the House of Lords states that no Minister of the Crown should give agreement in the Council to any proposal for European Community legislation or for a Common Strategy, Joint Action or Common Position under Title V, or a common position, Framework Decision, Decision or Convention under Title VI if it is still under scrutiny, or if the House has not yet debated a report on the subject from the Committee.

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