Maritime Command

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Maritime Command

(Military) Canadian the naval branch of the Canadian armed forces
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Steve Whitton, deputy director ofthe Border Force's Maritime Command, said: "This is a major seizure and a testament to the multi-agency approach we take to secure the UK's border and territorial waters.
When the head of border force maritime command, Doug McLellan, announced the permanent deployment of a CPV to Scotland in September, 2017, he described it as "new".
* Commander Matt Garrison, Information Operations Planner, NATO Allied Maritime Command
The annual exercise, led by the Bulgarian navy, also includes units from Albania, Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Turkey and Allied Maritime Command NATO.
Before his retirement from the police service, Chan used to serve as a commander of the PNP Maritime Command station in Cadiz City, Negros Occidental.
** Naval Operations Software Solutions (nee Maritime Command Operational Information Network)
The PDEA has alerted the Coast Guard, PNP Maritime Command, Navy, and Air Force.
The two also welcomed the preparation in progress for dispatching a liaison officer to NATO's Maritime Command with a view to advancing cooperation in the area of maritime security.
He has held staff appointments in naval operations schools, Maritime Forces Atlantic Headquarters and Maritime Command Headquarters.
It was seized during a joint operation involving NCA and Border Force maritime command officers, who boarded the boat and found around 50 bags suspected of containing cocaine.
"NATO's maritime command also recently reported that Russian submarine activity in the North Atlantic now rivals that seen during the height of the Cold War," the report added.
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