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(Placename) a city in W Turkey: the Byzantine seat of government (1204–1313). Pop: 237 000 (2005 est)
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Securities and Exchange Commission, revised Manisa Metropolitan Municipality's (Manisa) Outlooks to Negative from Stable.
The two sides explored fields of commercial and economic cooperation and discussed means of enhancing the commercial ties in Manisa and Izmir cities to get benefit from the exhibitions and events that are being organised.
(1) Manisa Celal Bayar University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatric Neurology, Manisa, Turkey
In the present study, it was aimed to evaluate the possible effects of altitude and climate on the development of the frontal sinus in adults above 20 years of age in populations living in Manisa and Van (Turkey) provinces which have different altitudes and climates.
ANKARA, Ramadan 01, 1438, May 27, 2017, SPA -- An earthquake of 5.1 magnitude hit Turkey's Manisa province east of the Aegean coastal city of Izmir on Saturday, broadcaster CNN Turk said, adding that initial reports showed no casualties or damage.
MANySA (CyHAN)- Twelve people, which were arrested by Manisa Provincial Security Directorate anti-terror units as part of operations against Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)'s provincial structuring Group of Communities in Kurdistan (KCK), underwent health check on Thursday.
According to one of the PicAct models and a registered social worker Manisa B Lungbus, the project was an opportunity for them to meet personally and listen as well as learn from the heartbreaking stories and experiences of their compatriots.
The report, prepared by the Confederation of Revolutionary Workers' Unions, highlighted the explosion in Soma, a town in Manisa province, which killed 301 miners in May 2014.
People mourn their relatives at the cemetery where some of the 301 people killed after an explosion and fire in a coal mine were buried, on May 18, 2014, at Soma in Manisa.
SANA'A, May 15 (Saba)- President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi sent on Thursday a cable of condolences to President Abdullah Gul of Turkey for Tuesday's mine blast in Turkey's western Manisa province in which at least 282 coal miners were killed.