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Related to Maniraptora: ornithomimid
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Maniraptora - advanced theropods including oviraptorids and dromaeosaurs and possibly even modern birdsManiraptora - advanced theropods including oviraptorids and dromaeosaurs and possibly even modern birds
animal order - the order of animals
suborder Theropoda, Theropoda - carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs; Jurassic and Cretaceous
maniraptor - advanced carnivorous theropod
oviraptorid - advanced carnivorous theropod
genus Velociraptor - advanced carnivorous theropod
Dromaeosauridae, family Dromaeosauridae - swift-running bipedal dinosaurs
genus Mononychus - authorities disagree over whether to classify the genus as bird or dinosaur
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References in periodicals archive ?
Although ethical regulations prevent the eggs from being hatched, Abzhanov said he hopes to one day to complete his work by turning chickens into Maniraptora.
Vertebrates from the Marilia Formation are represented by anurans (Baurubatrachus pricei), lizards (Pristiguana brasiliensis), crocodilians (Itasuchus jesuinoi, Peirosaurus tormini, Uberabasuchus terrificus), chelonians (Cambaremys langertoni), dinosaurs (Abelisauridae, Carcharodontosauridae, Maniraptora, andeutitanosaurianBaurutitan britoi, Trigonosaurus pricei, Uberabatitan ribeiroi, Aeolosaurus).