Lord paramount

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the king.

See also: Paramount

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
What do the circumstances of life matter if your dreams make you lord paramount of time and space?"
"Scragga, son of Twala, the great king--Twala, husband of a thousand wives, chief and lord paramount of the Kukuanas, keeper of the great Road, terror of his enemies, student of the Black Arts, leader of a hundred thousand warriors, Twala the One-eyed, the Black, the Terrible."
He is joined on the Small Council by Davos as Master of Ships, Bronn as Lord of Highgarden and Lord Paramount of the Reach and Master of Coin, Brienne for the Kingsguard and Grand Maester Samwell Tarly.
He recently revealed the character he liked most was Lord Paramount of the North, Ned Stark (played by Sean Bean).
As Batchelor's obituary observed in 1883: "The late Lord Bute was lord paramount in Cardiff and if anyone opposed his views he became an excluded member of society."
She has enjoyed a pivotal role, first as wife of Eddard Stark - played by Sean Bean, who was the head of House Stark and Lord Paramount of the North - and subsequently as mother and adviser of Robb Stark, played by rising Scots star Richard Madden, as King in the North.