Lord Chief Justice

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Lord Chief Justice

(Professions) the judge who is second only to the Lord Chancellor in the English legal hierarchy; president of one division of the High Court of Justice
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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While I looked about me here, an exceedingly dirty and partially drunk minister of justice asked me if I would like to step in and hear a trial or so: informing me that he could give me a front place for half-a-crown, whence I should command a full view of the Lord Chief Justice in his wig and robes - mentioning that awful personage like waxwork, and presently offering him at the reduced price of eighteenpence.
But, the gaol was a vile place, in which most kinds of debauchery and villainy were practised, and where dire diseases were bred, that came into court with the prisoners, and sometimes rushed straight from the dock at my Lord Chief Justice himself, and pulled him off the bench.
Challenger presided with a solemnity as if he were the Lord Chief Justice on the Bench.
"The Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice, while accepting that the coroner was working in challenging circumstances and noting that many other allegations were found to be unproven, concluded that he behaved in an intimidating manner and made inappropriate remarks to staff, for which they have issued him with a reprimand."
2000, OCTOBER: Lord Chief Justice Lord Woolf reinstates the trial judge's original tariff.
"I am delighted that Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd will chair the Commission when he steps down as Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales in October."
Critique: Lord Chief Justice Mansfield: Dark Horse of the American Revolution is an in-depth biography of the British barrister whose dogged insistence upon colonial taxes may well have incited the American Revolution.
Sitting in the appeal court, the Lord Chief Justice attacked Merseyside police for handing the subsequent inquiry to junior detectives, instead of more senior officers.
"The Lord Chancellor and the Lord Chief Justice are of the view that there is no evidence to suggest that the delays have been caused as a result of Mr Sheffield's conduct and they concluded that no formal disciplinary action is required.
But proposals for specialist courts to deal with cases of child abuse and sexual abuse have been rejected by the Lord Chief Justice over concerns they will lead to increased costs and waiting times.
An OJC spokesman said: "As part of the OJC's investigation into complaints made against Dr Peter Straker, the Lord Chancellor and Lord Chief Justice have suspended Dr Straker from office pending the conclusion of its investigation."

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