Legion of Honour

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Related to Legion of Honour: Legion of Honor, Legion d'Honneur, Légion d'honneur

Legion of Honour

(Military) an order for civil or military merit instituted by Napoleon in France in 1802. French name: Légion d'honneur
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
I had even imagined that the public would never know the whole truth of the prodigious case known as that of The Yellow Room, out of which grew so many mysterious, cruel, and sensational dramas, with which my friend was so closely mixed up, if, propos of a recent nomination of the illustrious Stangerson to the grade of grandcross of the Legion of Honour, an evening journal--in an article, miserable for its ignorance, or audacious for its perfidy--had not resuscitated a terrible adventure of which Joseph Rouletabille had told me he wished to be for ever forgotten.
And so at home he had established himself in business, and had invented and executed, and worked his way on, until, after a dozen years of constant suit and service, he had been enrolled in the Great British Legion of Honour, the Legion of the Rebuffed of the Circumlocution Office, and had been decorated with the Great British Order of Merit, the Order of the Disorder of the Barnacles and Stiltstalkings.
It should be noted that The Legion of Honour, full name, National Order of the Legion of Honour (French: Ordre national de la LAaAaAeA@gion d'honneur is the highest French order of merit for military and civil merits, established in 1802 by NapolAaAaAeA@on Bonapart
This includes the Legion of Honour, France's highest order of merit, established in 1802 with Napoleon's support, which decorates civilians and members of the military from France and other countries.
BRITISH war veterans to be presented with Legion of Honour on D-Day anniversary.
Pal Peter organised Les, of Middlesbrough, has just received the French Legion of Honour medal - the highest order for military merits.
https://t.co/40g2p7Wa1P France paving the way for Abu-Bakr Al-Baghdadi to be the next recipient of the Legion of Honour @georgegalloway
So thank you, PM, for strengthening the case for the introduction of a British legion of honour to celebrate the deserving and abolition of political gongs, which would leave Sir Lizard where he belongs: plain Mr Crosby.
He has been appointed to the rank of chevalier in France's Ordre national de la Legion d'honneur, the National Order of the Legion of Honour and receives his medal next month.
In 2013, the French government awarded Gerry the Chevalier Degree of the National Order of the Legion of Honour for his participation in the defense of France, 1944-1945.Gerry worked for the State of MA, was a Pipefitters Union member, owned a plumbing & heating business, was a plumbing inspector in Westborough & taught flying to many students over the years at the Westborough & Hopedale Airports.After leaving Westborough for St.
He recently received the Legion of Honour from France.
Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan will be decorated with France's highest distinction "Legion of Honour" by visiting Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius in Mumbai on July 1 for his achievements in Indian cinema.