Leghorn hat

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Leghorn hat

See second definition of Leghorn.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
References in classic literature ?
She wore a pale-blue, pansy-sprinkled muslin dress with more ruffles than one would ever have supposed economical Janet could be guilty of, and a white leghorn hat with pink roses and three ostrich feathers on it.
As usual, she was extraordinarily festooned and bedizened, with a limp Leghorn hat anchored to her head by many windings of faded gauze, and a little black velvet parasol on a carved ivory handle absurdly balanced over her much larger hatbrim.
The Italian, who the Sunday People revealed once threw darts at City youth players, is a man who thinks driving a camouflage-painted car shields him from the spotlight so maybe this Foghorn Leghorn hat was his way of blending in...