La Hogue

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La Hogue

(French la ɔɡ)
(Placename) a roadstead off the NW coast of France: scene of the defeat of the French by the Dutch and English fleet (1692)
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The Regiment concentrated around Butte de la Hogue, and moved on July 24 to an area around Colombelles, where the Yeomanry was tasked with holding the two villages of Le Preaux and Cagny in the south of the salient.
28: In which year did an Anglo-Dutch fleet prevent a French invasion of England with decisive victories off Barfleur and La Hogue?
In which year (five either way) did an Anglo-Dutch fleet prevent a French invasion of England with decisive victories off Barfleur and La Hogue?
La Hogue in St Peter includes a two-bedroom cottage, a new three-bedroom house plus two apartments.
What important results followed - the raising of the siege of Orleans, the Gunpowder plot, the Scottish rebellion of 1639, the surrender at Yorktown, the battles of Bannockburn, Bosworth, Ethandune, La Hogue, Plassey, and Vittoria?
As on previous occasions, I again failed to see any drawings in the original, but--through the kind offices of Mme Veronique de la Hogue, Conservateur of the Department des Papiers-peints--I did manage to search through the Library's files of photographs of many of theft drawings.
Principal battles: Four Days' (1666); La Hogue (off Barfleur) (1692); Vigo Bay (1702); siege of Barcelona (1705).
Born at Brielle, he went to sea at an early age; commanded Dordrecht in De Ruyter's fleet during the bloody Four Days' Battle (June 11-14, 1666); commanded the Dutch flotilla at Goeree in the Rhine-Meuse estuary (1672), and was sent to the Mediterranean to retrieve the remnants of De Ruyter's fleet after its commander was killed (July 1676); transported Princess Mary (the future Queen Mary II) from Holland to England (November 1688); commanded a squadron at the battle of La Hogue (May 29, 1692); fought with distinction at the battle of Vigo Bay (October 14, 1702), and later assisted at the successful siege of Barcelona (September 18-October 6, 1705); named lieutenant-admiral of Holland and West Friesland (1708); he died in 1711.
Principal battles: Bantry Bay (1689); La Hogue (off Barfleur) (1692); Vigo (1702); Gibraltar (1704).