kindred spirit

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kindred spirit

nspirito affine
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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"You're both queer enough, if that's what you mean by kindred spirits," said Marilla with a sniff.
I felt that he was a kindred spirit as soon as ever I saw him."
It doesn't look--exactly--as if the occupants would be kindred spirits, Anne, does it?"
"When the kindred spirits have once met, no human power can really part them.
Thanks be to God, my kindred spirit met my spirit while I was still young.
Upon the whole I am very well content with my first three loves in literature, and if I were to choose for any other boy I do not see how I could choose better than Goldsmith and Cervantes and Irving, kindred spirits, and each not a master only, but a sweet and gentle friend, whose kindness could not fail to profit him.
Never were there two more thoroughly "kindred spirits."
I have brought in armfuls, the picking is such a delight, and every pot and bowl and tub in the house is filled with purple glory, and the servants think there is going to be a party and are extra nimble, and I go from room to room gazing at the sweetness, and the windows are all flung open so as to join the scent within to the scent without; and the servants gradually discover that there is no party, and wonder why the house should be filled with flowers for one woman by herself, and I long more and more for a kindred spirit-- it seems so greedy to have so much loveliness to oneself--but kindred spirits are so very, very rare; I might almost as well cry for the moon.
The excellent papa labored under the delusion that he was, and reveled in long discussions with the kindred spirit, till a chance remark of his more observing grandson suddenly enlightened him.
We are exiles, except of course for the ideals, the kindred spirit, the friendships of old standing we have in France.
MACHO hell-raisers living it up in the last gasp of Hollywood's Golden Age, these two kindred spirits were a dazzling and dangerous double act.