Grand Falls

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Grand Falls

pl n
(Placename) the former name (until 1965) of Churchill Falls
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Church′ill Falls′

waterfalls near the head of the Churchill River in SW Labrador, Newfoundland, in E Canada. ab. 200 ft. (60 m) wide; 316 ft. (96 m) high. Formerly, Grand Falls.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The dispute over a tender to build the Sh200 billion High Grand Falls dam has taken a new twist after the Attorney General disowned the National Irrigation Board in a court case it has filed against Public Procurement Administrative Review Board (PPARB).In submissions filed at the High Court last week, the AG wants a judicial review filed by NIB seeking to overturn the rulings and decisions of the PPARB thrown out for undermining its authority and mandate.
The former Vice President said the High Grand Falls Dam traversing Tharaka/Nithi and Kitui counties, which will revolutionise agriculture and alleviate poverty, should be completed.
We also caught all seven warmwater nonnative species further upriver in isolated pools of the intermittent corridor al Grand Falls in 2005, 2016, and/or 2017, located about 132 km above Blue Spring and 127-141 km below the closest perennial sources containing these nonnative fishes (Stone et al., 2007, 2018; see Figs.
You can also get an adrenaline rush on zip lines at Saint John Adventures, Cape Enrage or the Grand Falls Gorge.
We present two sites of interest in and near Grand Canyon NP--B:16:0461 (specimen GRCA 69396) and Grand Falls (specimen MNA V8301; Table 1).
| WHAT new name was given to the Grand Falls on the Hamilton River in Labrador, Canada, in 1965?
Pratt's entries are adept at both humora""Stopped at McDonald's in Grand Falls for lunch.
By 1840 a road to accommodate wagons and sleighs was opened up as far as Grand Falls, New Brunswick and eventually to Riviere-du-Loup in Lower Canada.
Caption: Visitors to Grand Falls, New Brunswick, can view the water from a new zipline that transverses the falls
In an interview with the Grand Falls Tribune, John Abarr, the branch's founder, explained he wanted to promote a more inclusive organization.
The second financed the $743m (estimate from 2008-2012 Strategic Plan for Tana and Athi River Development Authority) Grand Falls Multipurpose Dam Project in Mwingi in Eastern Kenya.