economic policy

(redirected from Government Economic Policy)
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Noun1.economic policy - a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues
policy - a line of argument rationalizing the course of action of a government; "they debated the policy or impolicy of the proposed legislation"
fiscal policy - a government policy for dealing with the budget (especially with taxation and borrowing)
New Deal - the economic policy of F. D. Roosevelt
control - the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc.; "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
perestroika - an economic policy adopted in the former Soviet Union; intended to increase automation and labor efficiency but it led eventually to the end of central planning in the Russian economy
protectionism - the policy of imposing duties or quotas on imports in order to protect home industries from overseas competition
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References in periodicals archive ?
Usman Buzdar said that promotion of tourism was a part of current government economic policy and new tourists points would be developed under a comprehensive tourism policy in Punjab.
The objectives of a cornerstone Welsh Government economic policy are shrouded in mystery, with little known about its effectiveness, an influential committee has concluded.
Consumers continued to dislike government economic policy, with only 9 percent rating policy favorably, slightly above the record low of 4 percent.

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