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(gōv), Philip Babcock 1902-1972.
American lexicographer who was the editor of Webster's Third New International Dictionary (1961), which was notable for its emphasis on describing actual usage rather than prescribing correct usage.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Mr Gove said technology companies had to take responsibility for what is posted on their platforms and should be named and shamed where they behave badly.
WALES' Education Minister Leighton Andrews branded Michael Gove a "repentant sinner" yesterday after the UK Education Secretary was forced to abandon plans to scrap GCSEs.
EDUCATION Secretary Michael Gove's U-turn over GCSEs has received widespread approval, with some hailing it as a victory for those who had campaigned against the proposals.
HUDDERSFIELD Labour MP Barry Sheerman couldn't resist saying 'I told you so' over yesterday's exam reform U-turn by Education Secretary Michael Gove. Mr Gove told the House of Commons he was abandoning plans to replace GCSEs with an English Baccalaureate.
Summary: Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced a radical overhaul of school IT lessons, suggesting that current lessons bore pupils.
Education Secretary Michael Gove is hardly the first Government minister to execute a partial U-turn after criticising a local council.
In a provocative interview with the Daily Post, Michael Gove attempted to draw a line under the bitter row that followed the scrapping of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme at 26ageing Liverpool secondaries.
Mr Gove co-authored a policy book in 2005, Direct Democracy, which called for the dismantling of the NHS, describing the health service as "[failing] to meet public expectations" and "no longer relevant in the 21st century".
'Gove: My cocaine confession' was the most stark headline, accompanied by the first instalment of a serialisation of my unauthorised biography of the environment secretary.
MICHAEL Gove's admission that he took cocaine "on several occasions" should not prevent him from running to be the next prime minister, a leadership rival said.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Michael Gove, one of the contenders for the Tory leadership, told The Daily Mail on Friday he took cocaine on "several social occasions" while he was young and has deep regrets about it.