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(Placename) the French name for Ghent
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a port in NW Belgium, at the confluence of the Scheldt and Lys rivers: treaty 1814. 232,620. French, Gand. Flemish, Gent.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Gand - port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial centerGand - port city in northwestern Belgium and industrial center; famous for cloth industry
Belgique, Belgium, Kingdom of Belgium - a monarchy in northwestern Europe; headquarters for the European Union and for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
The English diplomatists went off to Teoplitz and Kissingen, their French rivals shut up their chancellerie and whisked away to their darling Boulevard de Gand. The Transparent reigning family took too to the waters, or retired to their hunting lodges.
Men in their senses do not quit their hotel in the Rue du Helder, their walk on the Boulevard de Gand, and the Cafe de Paris." It is of course understood that Albert resided in the aforesaid street, appeared every day on the fashionable walk, and dined frequently at the only restaurant where you can really dine, that is, if you are on good terms with its frequenters.
The Gand Mufti of Australia and the Australian National Imam Council (ANIC) have strongly condemned the recent human rights violations carried out by the Indian forces against innocent civilians in occupied Kashmir (IOK).
Maison Mumm has announced it has developed Mumm Gand Cordon Stellar, a champagne designed to be tasted in space, the company said.
Decades of poor dental care led me developing infections in my gand my teeth started to crumble.
In DI Khan, the consumers of 11KV Draban, Darazinda, Gand Umer Khan, Kulachi, Hathla and Maddi will suffer from 9am to 2pm.
Gale Gand and The Art of Maple Syrup: 1:15 or 2:15 p.m.
She added, it was the 12thcase in Kasur but the government remained fail in arresting the child raping gand."Meanwhile artists staged a protest near PTV station to show their solidarity with Zainab's family and demanded full action against criminals killed an innocent girls.
This was informed by PR CEO Javaid Anwar while talking to CRRC Tanshan Corporation Ltd China delegation, led by Hou Zi Gand, in a meeting held at PR headquarters here on Friday.
Gand W will seek confirmation from the staff of the STB that, if the STB has not yet approved the transaction, Gand W may close the transaction into a proposed form of voting trust, which will be managed by an independent voting trustee until Gand W is granted approval from the STB to control Pand W.
Hanni, fraichement transfere de Malines a Anderlecht, deux formations de l'elite belge, etait en course pour le trophee avec Sven Kums (Gand), et Lior Refaelov (Bruges).