FA Cup

(redirected from Football Association Challenge Cup)

FA Cup

(in England) n
1. (Soccer) an annual knockout competition for a silver trophy, open to all member teams of the Football Association
2. (Soccer) the trophy itself
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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1871: The English Football Association Challenge Cup Competition was formed, to become better known as the FA Cup.
SOUTH SCENE The second round of the South's most prestigious competition, the Southern Counties Football Association Challenge Cup, took place at the weekend with two ties being played on Friday evening and the others on Saturday.
It shows the clusters of searches that made it to trending searches in the country.The Football Association Challenge Cup, officially known as the FA Cup, trended at number three as the 2018 edition of this annual knockout competition in English football came to its third and fourth rounds.
The Football Association Challenge Cup, commonly known as the FA Cup, was the third most searched item.
Beechwood Albion reached the final of the Internet Football Association Challenge Cup where they met PSJ (St Johnstone), coming out 5-2 winners.
In 2014, the club first competed in The Football Association Challenge Cup Final (FA Cup Final) and was then qualified for the coming UEFA Europa League.
Amazingly, among those 10 clubs now involved at this stage are another three former Irish Cup winners - yes, three former winners of the Irish Football Association Challenge Cup, the oldest being Moyola Park whose name was the first inscribed on the trophy in 1881.
IN the Liverpool County Football Association Challenge Cup, Warbreck were beaten 2-1 by South Liverpool leaving Alumni to fly the flag for the League in the semi-finals.
The Eric Powell Charity Cup is held every year between the winners of the North Riding Football Association Senior Cup and the Durham Football Association Challenge Cup.
2 RUSHALL Olympic eased through to the next round of the Football Association Challenge Cup with a relatively straight forward 2-0 victory at lower league Brocton.
He reportedly intends to overhaul the club, which placed 14th in this season's Premier League a year after it won the Football Association Challenge Cup, of the FA Cup.
The Scottish Football Association Challenge Cup, to give it its full name, was founded in 1873 but today's teams still compete for the same trophy, bought after Queen's Park appealed to other clubs to stump up pounds 1 each to commission a cup.

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