Foot press

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(Mach.) a cutting, embossing, or printing press, moved by a treadle.

See also: Foot

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Never for ages upon ages has a white foot pressed this land; never except once, and I remember that he left it but to die.
"Thank you for your confidence," she breathed softly, resolutely keeping her eyes from measuring the distance to the revolver, and keeping her foot pressed firmly on the bell.
His foot pressed the impossible surface for but a fraction of the fatal second and gave him the bound that carried him onward.
Blue Foot Press, an imprint of MidAmerica Publishing Company, claims to have significantly reduced the cost of publishing hardcover children's picture books.
The 22,000+ square foot press center at the grand opening would be the envy of anyone in the communication business.
Nothing happened; the more we struggled, the more solidly did the foot press down.
4th Edition By Paul Joannides Waldport, OR, Goofy Foot Press, 2004, 782 pp.
In Washington, the Big Foot press too often lets them get away with it.
Espenilla would often repeat that policymakers should keep their collective foot pressed down on the proverbial gas pedal to allow the Philippines to catch up with much-needed growth.
I got the answer to my question as I clung to the side of his truck, my foot pressed on the stepper as if afraid it would leave.
The engine growled as my foot pressed down hard on the gas pedal, coaxing the 4Runner over the loose stones and exposed bedrock of the hairpin switchback Glancing in the rearview mirror, I could see Lincoln anxiously staring out the window, ears perked, anticipating the adventure that was coming.