Exchange Rate Mechanism

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Exchange Rate Mechanism

1. (Economics) the mechanism formerly used in the European Monetary System in which participating governments committed themselves to maintain the values of their currencies in relation to the ECU. Abbreviation: ERM
2. (Economics) Also: Exchange Rate Mechanism II the mechanism used to stabilize the currencies of European Union states that have not adopted the euro but wish to maintain the value of their currency in relation to it. Abbreviation: ERM II
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Exchange Rate Mechanism

nmeccanismo dei tassi di cambi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Under a free-float exchange rate mechanism agreed with the IMF.
Summary: Under a free-float exchange rate mechanism agreed with the IMF.
There are growing speculations that the State Bank of Pakistan has started adopting a flexible exchange rate mechanism to meet the International Monetary Fund (IMF) condition.
Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov met with the ambassadors of the eurozone countries and Denmark to present Bulgaria's progress in implementing measures to join the ERM II exchange rate mechanism and the banking union, the line ministry said.
No, not Brexit and what might happen next, but Britain's departure from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) nearly 30 years ago when interest rates were pushed to 15% and billions were spent defending the currency.
Several media reports hinted at IMF demanding reforms which the incumbent government is unwilling to take which include implementation of a free-float exchange rate mechanism, levying additional taxes and undertaking various reforms and curtail the budget deficit.
At the meeting, the SBP is said to have proposed to the government that flexible exchange rate mechanism should be adopted from January 2019 onwards.
Amendments to the central bank law are part of the government's plan for joining the Exchange Rate Mechanism II (ERM II) and the EU's Banking Union.
China's reform of the yuan's exchange rate mechanism in recent years, which has given consideration to both opening up and risk control, could offer some insights for countries such as India, experts said.
Britain fell out of the European Exchange rate mechanism, interest rates were hiked by 5% in one day, reserves fell from $18billion to minus $16billion.
Yi also said Beijing will continue to adopt a prudent and neutral monetary policy and deepen the market-oriented reform of the yuan's exchange rate mechanism. (end)