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A doctrine prevalent in some forms of Protestant Christianity that divides history into distinct periods, each marked by a different dispensation or relationship between God and humanity. Dispensationalism further holds that Christian believers will be transported to heaven without warning and that soon thereafter there will be a period of tribulation, followed by the Second Coming.

dis′pen·sa′tion·a·list n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The bible, he argued, "declares that there are just two classes--There are those who are lost and there those who are saved." (34) The need to reconcile contradictions within an inerrant bible also led Hildebrand down the same dispensationalist path as Aberhart.
Online ethnography of dispensationalist discourse: Revealed verses negotiated truth.
Kidd rightly devoted much more space to the hardline critics of Islam, including those who turn to dispensationalist prophecy to demonize Muslims.
The old eschatological interpretation of the spirit in Pentecostal circles was dispensationalist: the world is aging, and today is the last stage of the world.
In addition, the popularity of The Passion of the Christ film (2004), endorsed by many evangelical leaders, and of the explicitly dispensationalist Left Behind novels showed how American culture as a whole was getting evangelical religion.
and He will regulate the affairs of how Israel comes into the allotment which is hers forever." (3) They celebrated the rebirth and the restoration of the Jews in Israel as evidence and justification for their dispensationalist theology and as part of the divine plan for further developments in the apocalyptic process, which will lead to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
His book, the veritable reference source of American dispensationalist thought, sold millions of copies.
Once such unity between Israel and the church, the one people of God, is acknowledged (this is clearly the Catholic perspective as opposed to some Evangelical dispensationalist views that insist on keeping them apart), it is necessary to reflect on the Christian understanding of the mission of Israel today, as it remains a "light to the Nations" (cf.
After all, the dispensationalist scenario culminates in a third world war in the Middle East and the consignment of unconverted Jews to hell before the messiah returns.
Howard (2000) studied the rhetoric of dispensationalist Christians in online discussion boards.
Christian dispensationalist fundamentalism no more reflects the unity of the Christianities than Orthodox Judaism reflects the unity of the Judaisms--either in Israel or the United States.