

1. Of or relating to that which can be dispatched.
2. Of or relating to a source of electric energy production whose output can be switched off or on or otherwise moderated according to demand.

dis·patch′a·bil′i·ty n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
The WMPC diesel plant has entered into an ancillary services procurement agreement (Aspa) with the NGCP to provide dispatchable generating capacity, reactive power support, and black start capability in order to stabilize the power grid in the Zamboanga Peninsula (Western Mindanao/Region 9).
This is a new era of dispatchable renewables, based on new contract structures between developer and grid."
Despite those periods of excess wind and solar power, because we lack an ability to store electricity for more than a few hours, dispatchable power from the combustion of fossil fuels continues to bridge gaps in supply.
The classifications of power reserves required by the power grids include: contingency and regulating reserves which are classified as primary and secondary reserves; dispatchable which is tertiary reserve; then reactive power support and blackstart as other type of reserves.
(WMPC) signed an ASPA with NGCP for its 100-MW power plant In Zamboanga City to provide dispatchable generating capacity, reactive power support, and black start capability to stabilize in the Zamboanga peninsula.
The plant is dispatchable by the customer under the terms of the PPA.
On completion, it will provide dispatchable solar energy during the day and until five hours after sunset for a record-low tariff at peak hours of 0.68 Moroccan dirhams per kilowatt-hour.
Upon completion, it will provide dispatchable energy during the day and until five hours after sunset for a tariff of $0.070 per kilowatt hour at peak hours.
Tribune News Network Doha For large-scale dispatchable electricity generation, coal and nuclear are the main global contenders with gas due to constraints on hydropower.
"In addition to the vital environmental benefits it provides, the system's radical reduction in $kWh and overall levelized cost of storage enables our customers to provide dispatchable and baseload power cheaper than fossil fuels for the very first time.
The inclusion of storage provides the agencies with a 100% clean and partially dispatchable product, allowing them to mitigate the duck curve' risk and monetize price spikes, said Valerie Barros, director of renewables and storage product development at EDF Renewables.