Council of States

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Council of States

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) another name for Rajya Sabha
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The final decision in this matter, which gave some property to the Commune, in the possession of which we were confirmed by the Council of State, made me a person of great importance in the canton.
Why, sir, two years after I had taken these momentous trifles in hand, and had carried the matter through to the end, every poor family in the Commune had two cows at least, which they pastured on the mountain side, where (without waiting this time for an authorization from the Council of State) I had established a system of irrigation by means of cross trenches, like those in Switzerland, Auvergne, and Limousin.
Our principal dislike to the organization arises from the extensive powers already lodged in that department." Even among the zealous patrons of a council of state the most irreconcilable variance is discovered concerning the mode in which it ought to be constituted.
Two days afterward these same magistrates appeared before the cardinal and their spokesman addressed Mazarin with so much fearlessness and determination that the minister was astounded and sent the deputation away with the same answer as it had received from the Duke of Orleans -- that he would see what could be done; and in accordance with that intention a council of state was assembled and the superintendent of finance was summoned.
The nobles, whose power had become exorbitant during the reign of Stephen, and whom the prudence of Henry the Second had scarce reduced to some degree of subjection to the crown, had now resumed their ancient license in its utmost extent; despising the feeble interference of the English Council of State, fortifying their castles, increasing the number of their dependants, reducing all around them to a state of vassalage, and striving by every means in their power, to place themselves each at the head of such forces as might enable him to make a figure in the national convulsions which appeared to be impending.
'It is abysmal of government to be delaying the submission of an Executive Bill to the National Assembly and by wrongfully adopting N27,000 through the council of states,' he said.
The President received congratulations on the same occasion from Speaker of National Assembly, Chairman of the Council of States , Chief Justice, chairman of the Constitutional Court , assistant of the president of the Republic and the Attorney-General.
The Agreement provides that The Transitional National Legislature (TNL) shall consist of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly (TNLA) and the Council of States.
Summary: Jaipur (Rajasthan) [India], October 24 (ANI): The Election Commission (EC) in a press note on Tuesday said it has decided to hold a bye-election to the Council of States from Rajasthan to fill the vacancy after the resignation of sitting member, M.
Muscat: On behalf of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, His Highness Sayyid Fahd bin Mahmoud Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for the Council of Ministers on Monday received Filippo Lombardi, President of the Swiss Council of States who conveyed the greetings and best wishes of the Swiss leadership to His Majesty the Sultan, his government and the Omani people.
Yahya bin Mahfoud al-Manthri, Chairman of the State Council received in his office here today Filippo Lombardi, President of the Swiss Council of States and his accompanying delegation, who is visiting the Sultanate as per an invitation from the State Council.
The Chairman of the Council of States Chairmen, Comrade Kasim Inuwa, who spoke with journalists after the meeting of the council in Abuja, called on the members of the Union not to be distracted as the leadership of the Union has resolved to place the welfare of all civil servants in the country, above any other interest.

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