Council of Constance

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Noun1.Council of Constance - the council in 1414-1418 that succeeded in ending the Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church
council - (Christianity) an assembly of theologians and bishops and other representatives of different churches or dioceses that is convened to regulate matters of discipline or doctrine
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In addition Bova makes some remarks on the dating of placito capuano (960), on the Council of Constance and on the raid of the Archbishop's Palace (1414-1418) by Fabrizio de Capua.
Nor did the fathers assembled at the Council of Constance [1414-1418], many of whom owed their high offices to the Avignonese pontiffs, declare the latter to be "antipopes." Unlike the subsequent chapters, moreover, which are usually written in a crisp and lively fashion, this introductory section comes through as a somewhat labored piece of work.
He was fortunate enough to attend the Council of Constance, where he had the chance to learn of Poggio Bracciolini's manuscript discoveries and to rub shoulders with some of the students of Manuel Chrysoloras, after which he returned to Italy and was elected canon of the cathedral in Pistoia.
Wolf juxtaposes the Council of Constance, which in Haec sancta decreed the superiority of councils to popes, with Vatican I, which in Pastor aeternus defined the doctrine of papal infallibility, an "unprecedented innovation and break with Church traditions" (78).
.": Raffaele Fulgosio and the Council of Constance 1414-1415
A critic of the papacy, John Hus, used the story of Pope Joan against the Council of Constance in 1415 and was not contradicted.
Chapter 1 discusses Juan's scholarly and administrative activities at the University of Salamanca during and shortly after the time of the Council of Constance. One of the problems Wolf tackles is the authorial intention of Repetitio de superioritate (1426).
Another highlight of this year's theme is the 600th anniversary of the Council of Constance, which is thought to be the largest gathering of religious figures, politicians and academicians during the Middle Ages.
The Council of Constance says that nothing can be dismissed as irrelevant or conditioned by the situation.
At the time of the Western Schism (1378-1417), the Council of Constance (1414-18) deposed both John XXIII as an anti-pope and Gregory XII, who as the supposedly legitimate pope was allowed to present it as an abdication." Eamon Duffy, visiting professor at the Centre for Catholic Studies , and professor of the history of Christianity at Cambridge University, added: "It is hugely to Pope Benedict's credit, because this at one stroke demystifies the office and sets all his successors free to do the same if their health and age require it." The Vatican stressed that no specific medical condition prompted Benedict's decision, but in recent years, the Pope has slowed down significantly, cutting back foreign travel and limiting audiences.
It was Pope Gregory XII, who, in a very sacrificial gesture offered to resign so that the council of Constance could assume his power and appoint a new Pope, and in so doing bring an end Great Western Schism," Prudlo told Vatican Radio in an interview.

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