Contribution plan

Related to Contribution plan: Defined Contribution Pension Plan

Con`tri`bu´tion plan

1.(Life Insurance) A plan of distributing surplus by giving to each policy the excess of premiums and interest earned thereon over the expenses of management, cost of insurance, and the policy value at the date of computation. This excess is called the contribution of the policy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
In accepting a professorship at the University of Pennsylvania, I also transited from the defined benefit pension plan of the bank to a 401(k) defined contribution plan at the university.
NAGDCA is a professional organization made up of the deferred compensation/defined contribution plan administrators from the 50 states and over 100 local governments and entities, as well as the private industry plan providers.
That's a particular problem when the defined benefit plan is combined with a defined contribution plan, known as DB/DC.
Although a small employer would have to do their homework to ensure the cost-benefit exists, a defined contribution plan is a very good option for a private business with a larger number of employees.
In late 2014, he was selected as a finalist for Chief Investment Officer's (CIO) prestigious Industry Innovation Award in the defined contribution plan category.
Summary paragraph: Defined contribution plan predictions
The automaker stated that around 8,000 workers in the United States and 850 in Canada would be moved to a defined contribution plan.
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