Canadian Eskimo dog

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Canadian Eskimo dog

A dog of a large breed developed by the Inuit to pull sleds and aid in hunting, having a thick coat of various colors, erect ears, and a plumed tail.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The Canadian Eskimo Dog [also known as qimmiit, or Inuit sled dog] is on the verge of extinction with estimates of three hundred or less pure CKC registered dogs left in the World.
"Breed" is a dubious way to define these dogs, and not simply because current genetic research identifies evidence of a consistent, pre-Columbian maternal lineage that both belies the modern breed divisions of qimmiit into Inuit sled dog, Canadian Eskimo dog, and Greenland dog, as well as separates "this group of dogs" as distinct from all others (van Asch et al.).
And the dogs we used were the same breed as Peary had used--the incredible Canadian Eskimo Dog.
Caption: Canadian Eskimo dogs, which were bred to pull sleds, are among the oldest dog breeds in North America.
The huskies will be joined by four other breeds of sled dogs: Alaskan malamutes, samoyeds, Greenland dogs and Canadian Eskimo dogs - all of whom were bred to pull sleds in the coldest of climates.
JAN 20 & 21 Around 200 teams of dogs including Siberian huskies, Samoyeds and Canadian Eskimo dogs will be straining at the leash in Glenmore Forest Park around Aviemore for the Arden Grange & Siberian Husky Club of GB Sled Dog Rally.
Five types of dog take part in the rally -Siberian Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Samoyeds, Greenland Dogs and Canadian Eskimo Dogs.

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