Canadian English

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Canadian English

(Languages) the English language as spoken in Canada
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Cana′dian Eng′lish

the English language in any of the varieties spoken in Canada.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Mayer, a 37-year-old Israeli-American tattoo artist, and American Ewart Odane Bent, 30, are being tried for the murder of 43-year-old Canadian English teacher-turned drug dealer Sanjay Ryan Ramgahan on Aug.
The title of Smaro's work - 'Making a Difference' - testifies not only to the fact that multi-culturalist components in general and immigrant voices in particular have not only had great impact on the vast canvas of contemporary Canadian literature, but have also played a major role in making the overall Canadian English literature markedly different from American as well as British literature at large.
Trevor Gulliver et Kristy Thurrell ajoutent a la complexite en posant << Denial of Racism in Canadian English Language Textbooks >> comme facon de reveler les liens qui unissent le racisme, l'injustice, les prejuges, l'histoire canadienne et l'apprentissage de la langue anglaise.
Canadian English lecturer Erin Smith said she's been using TED videos in her classrooms for years, and often watches them to learn new things.
Summary: David Roy Woelke, a Canadian English language instructor at King Abdulaziz University, embraced Islam at the World Assembly of Muslim Youth's (WAMY) headquarters here Wednesday.
However, Brown posits, the period before the advent of official multiculturalism was an "era of multiculturalism manque," with little room for Jewish distinctiveness within the dominant Canadian English and French milieus.
"We now talk of 'Englishes' because there is American English, Canadian English and different types of English used in the Caribbean and Africa.
So why shouldn't the second cousin of the man who wrote some of the essential works of Canadian fiction be the man to write the book about Canadian English?
Successful programs, including the Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses and the Recruitment/Retention of American Indians into Nursing, are discussed.
The anthology Open Wide A Wilderness: Canadian Nature Poems (978-1-55458-033-0), from Wilfrid Laurier University Press, edited by Nancy Holmes and introduced by Don McKay, surveys 200 years of Canadian English nature poetry.
When Montreal youth and adults scan the shelves of their school and public libraries' children's and young adult sections, they likely see maple leaf symbols stuck on spines of books written by Canadian English authors and fleur-de-lys symbols affixed to those of titles penned by Quebec French authors.

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