

adv.1.(Mus.) In a gay, showy, and sparkling style.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
I'd rather throw myself into the Brillante or the Sarthe.
Brillante immediately tried to locate the owner through the airport paging system.
Brillante, Jr., who was assigned to clean the male comfort room near the immigration area of the airport, was informed by a passenger that he found a bag that was possibly left by another passenger last August 10.
Brillante apparently sought help from a colleague to locate the owner via the paging system.
Award-winning filmmaker Brillante Mendoza has to make room for another trophy on his shelf as his movie "Alpha: The Right To Kill" recently won a Special Jury Prize at the recently concluded Bucharest International Film Festival (BIFF) in Romania.
Joselito Esquivel said the police had nothing to do with the disappearance of Reynaldo Brillante, alias Raymond Aruta.
[beaucoup moins que] Votre brillante election m'offre le plaisir de vous adresser, au nom du peuple et du gouvernement algeriens ainsi qu'en mon nom personnel, nos plus vives et chaleureuses felicitations, accompagnees de mes vœux sinceres de pleine reussite dans l'accomplissement de votre noble mission au service de votre grand pays [beaucoup plus grand que], a ajoute le president Bouteflika.
Dans ce message, SM le Roi salue egalement la memoire d'un homme d'Etat exceptionnel, qui aura marque l'histoire de son pays et celle de la construction europeenne par sa brillante carriere politique, implorant le Tout-Puissant d'accueillir le regrette disparu en Sa sainte misericorde et d'accorder a sa veuve ainsi qu'a tous ses proches et amis soutien et reconfort.