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Related to brain: Braun
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the human brain and its contiguous structures
A. pituitary gland
B. cerebrum
C. skull
D. corpus callosum
E. thalamus
F. hypothalamus
G. pons
H. cerebellum
I. medulla
J. spinal cord


a. The portion of the vertebrate central nervous system that is enclosed within the cranium, continuous with the spinal cord, and composed of gray matter and white matter. It is the primary center for the regulation and control of bodily activities, receiving and interpreting sensory impulses, and transmitting information to the muscles and body organs. It is also the seat of consciousness, thought, memory, and emotion.
b. A functionally similar portion of the invertebrate nervous system.
a. Intellectual ability; intellect: an actor not known for his quick brain.
b. often brains Exceptional intellectual ability; intelligence: has brains and good looks.
c. Informal A highly intelligent person: We knew the new kid was a brain as soon as she started talking.
3. often brains The primary director or planner, as of an organization or movement.
4. The control center, as of a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft.
tr.v. brained, brain·ing, brains
To hit on the head or kill by hitting on the head.
beat (one's) brains (out)
Informal To exert or expend great mental effort: She beat her brains out during the examination.
on the brain
Obsessively in mind: The coach has winning on the brain.
pick (someone's) brain/brains
To explore another's ideas through questioning.
rack (one's) brain Informal
To think long and hard: I racked my brain for hours trying to recall her name.

[Middle English, from Old English brægen.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Anatomy) the soft convoluted mass of nervous tissue within the skull of vertebrates that is the controlling and coordinating centre of the nervous system and the seat of thought, memory, and emotion. It includes the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. Technical name: encephalon
2. (Zoology) the main neural bundle or ganglion of certain invertebrates
3. (often plural) informal intellectual ability: he's got brains.
4. informal shrewdness or cunning
5. informal an intellectual or intelligent person
6. (usually plural; functioning as singular) informal a person who plans and organizes an undertaking or is in overall control of an organization, etc
7. an electronic device, such as a computer, that performs apparently similar functions to the human brain
8. on the brain constantly in mind: I had that song on the brain.
9. pick someone's brain to obtain information or ideas from someone
vb (tr)
10. to smash the skull of
11. slang to hit hard on the head
[Old English brægen; related to Old Frisian brein, Middle Low German bregen, Greek brekhmos forehead]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


1. the anterior part of the central nervous system enclosed in the cranium of vertebrates, consisting of a mass of nerve tissue organized for the perception of sensory impulses, the regulation of motor impulses, and the production of memory, learning, and consciousness.
2. (in many invertebrates) a part of the nervous system comparable to the brain of vertebrates.
3. Sometimes, brains. understanding; intellectual power; intelligence.
4. the brain as the center of thought, understanding, etc.; mind; intellect.
5. brains, Slang. a member of a group who is regarded as its intellectual leader or planner.
6. Informal. an extremely intelligent person.
a. the controlling or guiding mechanism in a computer, robot, pacemaker, etc.
b. the part of a computer system for coordination or guidance, as of a missile.
8. to smash the skull of.
9. Slang. to hit or bang on the head.
have on the brain, to think about constantly.
[before 1000; Middle English; Old English bræg(e)n, bregen; c. Middle Low German bragen, Middle Dutch brein]
syn: See mind.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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1. The part of the nervous system in vertebrates that is enclosed within the skull, is connected with the spinal cord, and is composed of gray matter and white matter. It receives and interprets impulses from sense organs, and it coordinates and controls body functions and activities, such as walking and talking. The brain is also the center of memory, thought, and feeling.
2. A bundle of nerves in many invertebrate animals that is similar to the vertebrate brain in function and position.
Did You Know? At this very moment, these words are being scanned and interpreted by perhaps the most complex object in the world: the human brain. The bulbous organ that sits right behind your forehead is a collection of different parts that work together. For example, the two sides of the brain, called hemispheres, perform different tasks. The right hemisphere is responsible for musical and artistic ability and the ability to recognize faces. The left is where mathematical and logical analysis takes place, as well as most speech and language processing. Furthermore, each hemisphere is divided into four separate regions called lobes, which have their own jobs. Here's how specific the responsibilities of a particular brain area can be: in 2001 researchers discovered that there's a definite part of the brain (the medial ventral prefrontal cortex) where you make the connection that we call "getting" a joke. Got it?
The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the process of providing a person with visual or auditory evidence of the quality of an autonomie physiological function so that he may attempt to exercise conscious control over it.
1. Obsolete, the branch of psychology that studies the brain.
2. Medicine. the total knowledge concerning the brain.
the surgical operation of opening the skull, as for an operation on the brain.
the comparative study of complex electronic devices and the nervous system in an attempt to understand better the nature of the human brain. — cyberneticist, n.cybernetic, adj.
an inflamed condition of the brain.
a condition in which normal tissue is misplaced, especially in the brain, so that masses of gray matter are found in the white matter. See also biology.. — heterotopous, adj.
surgical severing of certain nerve fibers in the frontal lobe of the brain, once commonly performed to treat intractable depression. Also called prefrontal lobotomy.
the process of systematically altering beliefs and attitudes, especially through the use of drugs, torture, or psychological stress techniques; brainwashing.
brain stimulation by hypnosis or magnetism.
the forebrain. — prosencephalies, adj.
a form of extreme or violent cerebral activity caused by defective inhibition. — psychokinetic, adj.
the use of brain surgery to treat mental disorders. — psychosurgeon, n.
the sensory apparatus of the body as a whole; the seat of physical sensation, imagined to be in the gray matter of the brain.
a procedure for the stating and solving of problems based upon creative thinking in figurative terms by a small, carefully chosen, and diversely specialized group.
the anterior section of the forebrain, containing the cerebrum and related structures. — telencephalic, adj.
the influence one brain is thought to exercise over another, from a distance, by means of some hypothetical mental energy.
surgical excision of part of the cerebral cortex, as to provide relief for pain or treat certain mental disorders.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: brained
Gerund: braining

I brain
you brain
he/she/it brains
we brain
you brain
they brain
I brained
you brained
he/she/it brained
we brained
you brained
they brained
Present Continuous
I am braining
you are braining
he/she/it is braining
we are braining
you are braining
they are braining
Present Perfect
I have brained
you have brained
he/she/it has brained
we have brained
you have brained
they have brained
Past Continuous
I was braining
you were braining
he/she/it was braining
we were braining
you were braining
they were braining
Past Perfect
I had brained
you had brained
he/she/it had brained
we had brained
you had brained
they had brained
I will brain
you will brain
he/she/it will brain
we will brain
you will brain
they will brain
Future Perfect
I will have brained
you will have brained
he/she/it will have brained
we will have brained
you will have brained
they will have brained
Future Continuous
I will be braining
you will be braining
he/she/it will be braining
we will be braining
you will be braining
they will be braining
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been braining
you have been braining
he/she/it has been braining
we have been braining
you have been braining
they have been braining
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been braining
you will have been braining
he/she/it will have been braining
we will have been braining
you will have been braining
they will have been braining
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been braining
you had been braining
he/she/it had been braining
we had been braining
you had been braining
they had been braining
I would brain
you would brain
he/she/it would brain
we would brain
you would brain
they would brain
Past Conditional
I would have brained
you would have brained
he/she/it would have brained
we would have brained
you would have brained
they would have brained
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


The body’s chief control center, containing billions of interconnected nerve cells.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.brain - that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centersbrain - that part of the central nervous system that includes all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within the skull; continuous with the spinal cord
circle of Willis - a ring of arteries at the base of the brain
arteria communicans, communicating artery - any of three arteries in the brain that make up the circle of Willis
neural structure - a structure that is part of the nervous system
brain cell - a nerve cell in the brain
central nervous system, CNS, systema nervosum centrale - the portion of the vertebrate nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord
neencephalon, neoencephalon - the part of the brain having the most recent phylogenetic origin; the cerebral cortex and related parts
forebrain, prosencephalon - the anterior portion of the brain; the part of the brain that develops from the anterior part of the neural tube
mesencephalon, midbrain - the middle portion of the brain
hindbrain, rhombencephalon - the posterior portion of the brain including cerebellum and brainstem
brain stem, brainstem, brain-stem - the part of the brain continuous with the spinal cord and comprising the medulla oblongata and pons and midbrain and parts of the hypothalamus
ventricle - one of four connected cavities in the brain; is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord and contains cerebrospinal fluid
head, caput - the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains; "he stuck his head out the window"
2.brain - mental abilitybrain - mental ability; "he's got plenty of brains but no common sense"
intelligence - the ability to comprehend; to understand and profit from experience
3.brain - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelingsbrain - that which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; "his mind wandered"; "I couldn't get his words out of my head"
cognition, knowledge, noesis - the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning
noddle - an informal British expression for head or mind; "use your noddle"
tabula rasa - a young mind not yet affected by experience (according to John Locke)
ego - (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind
unconscious, unconscious mind - that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware
subconscious, subconscious mind - psychic activity just below the level of awareness
4.brain - someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originalitybrain - someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; "Mozart was a child genius"; "he's smart but he's no Einstein"
intellectual, intellect - a person who uses the mind creatively
prodigy - an unusually gifted or intelligent (young) person; someone whose talents excite wonder and admiration; "she is a chess prodigy"
5.brain - the brain of certain animals used as meat
organs, variety meat - edible viscera of a butchered animal
calf's brain - the brain of a calf eaten as meat
Verb1.brain - hit on the head
hit - deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
2.brain - kill by smashing someone's skull
kill - cause to die; put to death, usually intentionally or knowingly; "This man killed several people when he tried to rob a bank"; "The farmer killed a pig for the holidays"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. cerebrum, mind, grey matter (informal) The eye grows independently of the brain.
2. (Informal) intellectual, genius, scholar, sage, pundit, thinker, mastermind, intellect, prodigy, highbrow, rocket scientist (informal, chiefly U.S.), egghead (informal), brainbox, clever clogs, bluestocking (usually disparaging) I've never been much of a brain myself.
plural noun
1. intelligence, mind, reason, understanding, sense, capacity, smarts (slang, chiefly U.S.), wit, common sense, intellect, savvy (slang), nous (Brit. slang), suss (slang), shrewdness, sagacity They were not the only ones to have brains and ambition.
1. (Informal) hit, strike, smash, belt (informal), sock (slang), clout (informal), slug, swipe (informal), wallop (informal) He had threatened to brain him then and there.
Related words
technical name encephalon
adjectives encephalic, cerebral
"I was taught that the human brain was the crowning glory of evolution so far, but I think it's a very poor scheme for survival" [Kurt Vonnegut]

Parts of the brain

amygdala, brainstem, Broca's area, central sulcus, cerebellum, cerebral aqueduct, cerebral cortex or (nontechnical) grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrum, choroid plexus, corpus callosum, diencephalon, fourth ventricle, frontal lobe, hippocampus, hypothalamus, infundibulum, limbic system, mamillary body, medulla oblongata, meninges, midbrain, myelencephalon or (nontechnical) afterbrain, occipital lobe, optic chiasma, parietal lobe, pineal body, pituitary gland, pons Varolli, substantia alba or (nontechnical) white matter, temporal lobe, thalamus, third ventricle, vermis, Wernicke's area
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The seat of the faculty of intelligence and reason:
Informal: gray matter.
2. The faculty of thinking, reasoning, and acquiring and applying knowledge.Often used in plural:
Slang: smart (used in plural).
3. A person of great mental ability:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
دِمَاغدماغ، مُخذكاء، مقدرة عقليهشخص ذكي
hjerneforstandgodt hoved
agyakinek jó feje van
begalvisgalvagalvotasgalvotas žmogusgera mintis
garīgās spējasgudra galvagudrs cilvēksprātssaprāts
beyinkafalı adamzekâzeki kimseakıl
nãoóctrí óc


A. N
1. (Anat) → cerebro m
he's got politics on the braintiene la política metida en la cabeza
to get one's brain into gearponer la mente a carburar
2. brains
2.1. (Anat, Culin) → sesos mpl
to beat sb's brains outromper la crisma a algn
to blow one's brains outvolarse or levantarse la tapa de los sesos
2.2. (= intelligence) → inteligencia fsing, cabeza fsing
he's got brainses muy listo, tiene mucha cabeza
he's the brains of the familyes el listo de la familia
see also pick B5
see also rack 1 B1
B. VTromper la crisma a
C. CPD brain damage Nlesión f cerebral or medular
brain death Nmuerte f clínica or cerebral
brain drain Nfuga f de cerebros
brain scan Nexploración f cerebral mediante escáner
brain scanner Nescáner m cerebral
brains trust, brain trust (US) Ngrupo m de peritos (TV etc) → jurado m de expertos
brain teaser Nrompecabezas m inv
brain tumour, brain tumor (US) Ntumor m cerebral
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


cerveau m
to have sth on the brain → être obsédé(e) par qch brains
(= intelligence) → intelligence f
He's got brains
BUT Il est intelligent.
to be the brains of sth → être le cerveau de qch
He's the brains of the organization → C'est le cerveau de l'organisation.
to be the brains behind sth → être le cerveau de qch
to pick sb's brains → faire appel aux lumières de qn
I'd like to pick your brains about something
BUT J'ai besoin de tes lumières sur quelque chose.
to rack one's brains (= think hard) → se creuser la cervelle
(ANATOMY) to beat sb's brains out, to bash sb's brains out → estourbir qn
to blow sb's brains out → faire sauter la cervelle de qnbrain cell n (ANATOMY)cellule f cérébrale
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(Anat, of machine) → Gehirn nt; he’s got sex/cars on the brain (inf)er hat nur Sex/Autos im Kopf; I’ve got that tune on the brain (inf)das Lied geht or will mir nicht aus dem Kopf
brains pl (Anat) → Gehirn nt; (Cook) → Hirn nt
(= mind)Verstand m; brains pl (= intelligence)Intelligenz f, → Grips m (inf), → Köpfchen nt (inf); to have a good braineinen klaren or guten Verstand haben; he has brainser ist intelligent, er hat Grips (inf)or Köpfchen (inf); she’s the brains of the familysie ist das Familiengenie (hum), → sie ist die Schlauste in der Familie; you’re the one with the brainsdu bist doch der Schlaue or Intelligente hier; use your brainsstreng mal deinen Kopf or Grips (inf)an; he didn’t have the brains to …er ist nicht einmal daraufgekommen, zu …
vtden Schädel einschlagen (sb jdm)


brain activity
n(Ge)hirntätigkeit f
n (hum inf)Schlauberger m (inf)
nErfindung f; (= idea)Geistesprodukt nt
brain damage
n(Ge)hirnschaden m
adj (lit)hirngeschädigt; (fig inf)(ge)hirnamputiert (hum inf)
adj (lit)(ge)hirntot; (fig inf)gehirnamputiert; (inf)
brain death
n(Ge)hirntod m
brain drain
brain failure
n (inf)Aussetzer m (inf)
brain fart
n (inf)Gedankenfurz m
brain fever
brain fog
n (inf)Gehirnnebel m (inf), eingeschränkte geistige Leistungsfähigkeit
brain gain
nBrain Gain m or nt, Gewinn ausländischer Spitzenforscher und -manager
brain haemorrhage, brain hemorrhage (US)
n(Ge)hirnblutung f
adj plan, ideahirnlos, dumm; person alsounbedarft
nIntelligenz f
brain scan
brain scanner
nComputertomograf m (zur Untersuchung des Gehirns)
(Brit) to have a braingeistig weggetreten sein (inf)
(US: = brainwave) → Geistesblitz m
ngemeinsame Problembewältigung, Brainstorming nt; to have a brain sessionein Brainstorming veranstalten or abhalten


brain surgeon
nNeurochirurg(in) m(f), → Hirnchirurg(in) m(f)
brain trust
n (US) → Braintrust m, → Expertenausschuss m
brain tumour, (US) brain tumor
nGehirntumor m
vteiner Gehirnwäsche (dat)unterziehen; to brain somebody into believing/accepting etc that …jdm (ständig) einreden, dass …
(Brit) → Geistesblitz m
brainwaves pl (Physiol) → Gehirnströme pl
nKopfarbeit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a. (Anat) → cervello (Culin) brains nplcervella sg
to blow one's brains out → farsi saltare le cervella
he's got cars on the brain → ha il chiodo fisso delle macchine
b. (fig) (fam) (intelligence) brains npltesta
he's got brains → ha (del) cervello, è intelligente
he's the brains of the family → è il cervellone di casa
2. vt (fam) → spaccare la testa a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(brein) noun
1. the centre of the nervous system. an injury to the brain; (also adjective) brain surgery; brain damage.
2. (often in plural) cleverness. a good brain; You've plenty of brains.
3. a clever person. He's one of the best brains in the country.
ˈbrainless adjective
stupid. a brainless idiot.
ˈbrainy adjective
clever. She's a brainy child.
ˈbrainchild noun
a favourite theory, invention etc thought up by a particular person. This entire process is Dr Smith's brainchild.
brain drain
the loss of experts to another country (usually in search of better salaries etc). As a result of the brain drain Britain does not have enough doctors.
ˈbrainwash verb
to force (a person) to confess etc by putting great (psychological) pressure on him. The terrorists brainwashed him into believing in their ideals.
ˈbrainwashing noun
ˈbrainwave noun
a sudden bright idea.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


دِمَاغ mozek hjerne Gehirn εγκέφαλος cerebro aivot cerveau mozak cervello hersenen hjerne mózg cérebro мозг hjärna สมอง beyin não 头脑
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. cerebro, parte del sistema nervioso central que se localiza en el cráneo y actúa como regulador principal de las funciones del cuerpo;
blood ___ barrierbarrera hematoencefálica;
___ abscessabsceso cerebral;
___ centercentro cerebral;
___ deathmuerte cerebral;
___ edemaedema cerebral;
___ injuriestraumatismo cerebral;
___ or cerebral concussionconcusión o conmoción cerebral;
___ puncturepunción cerebral;
___ scanescáner del ___;
___ tumortumor cerebral.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


n cerebro; brain-dead con muerte f cerebral, que tiene muerte cerebral; — death muerte f cerebral
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
If the Sperm Whale be physiognomically a Sphinx, to the phrenologist his brain seems that geometrical circle which it is impossible to square.
It is customary to assume that, in such cases, the past operates by modifying the structure of the brain, not directly.
One whole shelf was marked: "Brain Furniture," and the bottles on this shelf were labeled as follows: "Obedience," "Cleverness," "Judgment," "Courage," "Ingenuity," "Amiability," "Learning," "Truth," "Poesy," "Self Reliance."
Beginning with physical intolerance for alcohol, for years drinking only for the sake of comradeship and because alcohol was everywhere on the adventure-path, I had now reached the stage where my brain cried out, not merely for a drink, but for a drunk.
"To find the sleepless princess," I added, thinking at the same time one of those irrelevant asides that will go through the brain of thirty, that the woman who would get her share of kisses nowadays must neither slumber nor sleep.
It is the brain, the intellect, the power that directs all things.
HAVING been summoned to serve as a juror, a Prominent Citizen sent a physician's certificate stating that he was afflicted with softening of the brain.
He did not contradict his clever and eloquent counsel, who argued that the brain fever, or inflammation of the brain, was the cause of the crime; clearly proving that this malady had existed long before the murder was perpetrated, and had been brought on by the sufferings of the accused.
Brain; but it was understood that he had been a judge and police official in India, and that he had enemies, who had represented his measures against crime as themselves almost criminal.
As for the Scarecrow, having no brains, he walked straight ahead, and so stepped into the holes and fell at full length on the hard bricks.
The mess of brains given me by the Great Wizard is considered by my friends to be unexcelled."
In the case of a small Sperm Whale the brains are accounted a fine dish.