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 (brə-găn′zə) also Bra·gan·ça (-gäN′sä)
A dynasty of Portuguese rulers (1640-1910) who also controlled Brazil (1822-1889).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
We shipped them aboard the Duque de Mondejo's yacht Braganza; the schooner Spindrift had disappeared from the face of the waters for ever.
The Golden Dove for Best FM Station-Metro Manila was received by Braggy Braganza, station manager, during awarding ceremonies in Pasay City.
In order to get to where you want to go, you need the wheel of ambition, a frame and support structure to your dream, the knowledge and experience to handle the ride, direction and route,' once lectured the New York-based director and choreographer, Miguel Braganza II, to the students of LCB-PAC several years ago.
The unfinished hotel was started during the administration of former Mayor Hernani Braganza using a P35-million bank loan.
Ivor Braganza, CEO of Towell Property, and Abdul Monem al Futaisi, COO of Awasr signed the agreement.
DUMAGUETE CITY - Internation-al Jazz artist Jojo Van Oeveren, New York-based Filipino performing artist Miguel Braganza and local tenor Mano Saldivar are in Dumaguete City for the "Concert for the Children of Buglas" on Feb.
Expressing similar sentiments, Haier India President Eric Braganza said: "We have ensured that the price rise comes into effect post the festive season since India tends to purchase consumer durables extensively during this time."
At Stanbic Mwamba, Kayange over from Jason Rozario Braganza who quit citing personal reasons.
Stafford Braganza, National Make up Artist for NYX Professional Makeup, also has some ideas to share: * Foundation is worn to even out skin tone only.
Archivist Jonathan Rush showed the duke notable exhibits, including the 1493 Nuremberg Chronicle, reputed to be the world's oldest encyclopaedia, and a 1663 prayer book once owned by Catherine of Braganza, wife of King Charles II.
The MoU was signed in the presence of the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath and other dignitaries from the Government of Uttar Pradesh along with Song Yujun, VP, Global Appliances Haier Group and Managing Director, Haier Appliances India; Eric Braganza, President, Haier Appliances India and Sun, Director SCM Haier Appliances India.